Thursday, 3 December 2020
Holly Jolly Xmas eBook. Jõulusokid valmis ja Uus salakas Mustrimaailmas!
Saturday, 14 November 2020
Christmas Stocking Rally Starts Tomorrow! Jõulusokiralli algab homme!

Saturday, 7 November 2020
Something Old, Something New. Midagi vana, midagi uut.
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ABC Book |
Can't believe it's nearly three months since the last post here! I wish there was a software to turn my thoughts to a blog post. Sometimes when I am out walking I write long posts in my head! Unfortunately, I never get around to write them down.
So, what I have been doing? I've released several patterns. I try to release one-two patterns per month. I don't have a schedule. When I get an idea, I go from there. Here are three recent patterns: Dark Honey blanket, All Webbed Up cowl and ABC Book. They are not new designs for me all these have submitted and approved for publishing in different magazines. The Dark Honey and All Webbed Up were supposed to be published in the YarnPeople magazine. I made the samples, posted to them for photography and wrote the pattern. Due to the Covid situation, they decided on hiatus and my patterns were never published. I decided to make new samples because I didn't have any good photos of them. I'm happy with the designs. I wasn't very sure about the spider cowl but people like it, it's quirky and different.
The ABC Book you've seen before, I posted about the book here. The rights are reverted to me and I am free to self-publish the pattern. I made a new sample in brighter colours, added a front and back cover. The binding has changed to make it more secure for those little fingers browsing the book. The mosaic pattern is charted and written out.
So, what to expect next? I am working on Christmas Stocking pattern, in a mosaic of course. There might be even more than one pattern. Other things I'm working on are mosaic slippers and a sweater. Mosaic slippers pattern was my very first pattern in Ravelry, released eight years ago. It's time to update it, add more sizes and bring up to my current standards. The sweater, I'm working on, going to be a basic long-sleeved sweater with an intricate mosaic on the body. I have made one sample already. I need to write down the pattern but I want to make another sample also. We'll see, how it works out!
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All Webbed Up Cowl |
Uskumatu, et kolm kuud juba möödas viimasest postitusest! Mida ma siis olen teinud kõik see aeg? Kõigest kirjutada ei jõua, aga väike kokkuvõte ikka.
Kolm uut mustrit on lisandunud. Kõik need mustrid olid heaks kiidetud avaldamiseks ajakirjades, kuid Covid'i tõttu jõudis trükivalgust näha ainult üks, ABC raamat, millest kirjutasin siin. Nüüd on mul õigus muster iseseisvalt avaldada. Kudusin uue näidise, lisasin esi- ja tagakaane. Eesti laps selle raamatu järgi eesti keelt küll õppida ei saa. Ma pole ka suutnud välja mõelda, mis pildid peaksid olema eestikeelses raamatus? A nagu Aabits, B Banaan, D Diivan? Hmm, ei ole just huvitavad pildid.
Ämblikuga kaelus ja meekärjega tekike pidid ilmuma YarnPeople ajakirjas, kuid nad katkestasid avaldamise pandeemia tõttu. Ämbiku kaelust kudusime koos Mustrimaailma foorumis. Ma ise polnud kindel, kuidas selline disain meeldib, kuid see on hea vastuvõtu leidnud! Muuseas, uus salakudumine tuleb foorumis varsti, liitu ka!
Uutest tegemistest on käsil mosaiik susside mustri uuendamine. Jajah, see on see vana muster, mis oli mu esimene muster Ravelrys juba kaheksa aastat tagasi! Suurema tööna on käsil kampsuni muster, aga sellest räägime teine kord.
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Dark Honey Blanket |
Saturday, 29 August 2020
Linnutee Top Pattern.
When you get together with a yarny friend you visit a yarn store, right? I usually buy at least a skein to support a small business, what the yarn stores often are. These gradient yarn cakes are so pretty! My friend helped me to choose the colour. At first, I didn't have a clear idea of what I'm going to make. I didn't want a shawl but 600 meters of fingering weight yarn isn't enough for a shirt in my size. I chose a solid contrasting colour and cast on.
So I had this gorgeous gradient yarn cake and I wanted to make a sleeveless top. I didn't want to interrupt the flow of the gradient colours. The best way seemed to be knitting in rounds without short-row shaping. Wide-open ballet neckline looks nice for a summery shirt.
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Mosaic knitting is an easy way to create striking colourwork. Mosaic knitting is perfect for beginners who are attempting colourwork for the first time. Just knit and slip stitches, one colour at the time. No need to carry both yarns.
The shirt is worked from top down, starting with I-cord cast-on. The ribbing on armholes and at the bottom is finished with I-cord also. It makes a nice and firm finish which does not stretch out.
Thursday, 13 August 2020
Südasuvine Shawl.
Ma väga sooviks näha Sinu salli! Postita oma pildid Instagram'is ja/või Facebook'is ja lisa tag, et ma näeksin Sinu ilusat tööd!
#ArellaSeatonDesign #SüdasuvineShawl #Südasuvine
Head kudumist!
Wednesday, 15 July 2020
Chorizo and Chickpea Stew. Chorizo ja kikerherne ühepajatoit.
I rarely use cookery books nor have I a notebook for recipes. I cook quite simple food or improvise something. However, if I come across an interesting recipe by chance I might try it out and it might become a new favourite. I've been posting about cookery from time to time. My blog is my recipe book!
I found this Chorizo and Chickpea Stew recipe in the Times newspaper nearly two years ago. I took a photo of the recipe. Whenever I want to cook the stew I'll find that photo on my phone.
I love the stew! Often I soak and cook chickpeas instead of using canned ones. When buying chorizo look for cooking chorizo, it has less fat but it might depend on where you buy.
Serves 4
A splash of vegetable oil
400g cooking chorizo, sliced into 1 cm chunks
2 onions, finely diced
A long red pepper, seeded and chopped into small chunks
A clove of garlic, crushed
2 tsp sweet or hot smoked paprika
2*400g cans of chopped tomatoes (or passata it you prefer a smoother sauce)
2x 400g cans of chickpeas, drained and rinsed
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
To serve A handful of fresh coriander, roughly chopped
Crusty bread or toast (optional)
Method: 1. Place a large, wide, high-sided pan with a lid over a medium heat and add a tiny splash of cooking oil – the sausage will release plenty of fat, so you barely need any. Add the chorizo and brown thoroughly all over, until really well caramelised. Work in batches if necessary, to avoid crowding the pan and stewing the meat. Remove and set aside, leaving the red fat behind in the pan.
2. Add the onions and red pepper and sauté for about 10 min, until soft. Next add the garlic and paprika and cook, while stirring, for a minute or two. Add the tomatoes and enough hot water to loosen the stew so that it doesn't dry out during cooking. Bring to a simmer, cover partially with a lid.
Then turn the heat down and let it bubble for 15 min.
3. Add the chickpeas to the pan along with the cooked chorizo, stir and heat through. Serve topped with the coriander, and with a hunk of the bread or toast for mopping up the sauce.
Ma armastan seda ühepajatoitu! Retseptis on antud konserv kikerherned, kuid tihti ma leotan ja keedan kuivatatud kikerherneid. Chorizo otsimisel tuleks valida toiduvalmistamiseks mõeldud chorizo, selles on vähem rasva, kuid see võib sõltuda sellest, kust ostate.
Toidust jagub neljale. Meie sööme kahekesi kaks päeva :)
Veidi taimeõli
400 g chorizo, viilutatud 1 cm tükkideks
2 sibulat, peeneks hakitud
(Pikk või tavaline) punane paprika, tükeldatud väikesteks tükkideks
Küüslauguküüs, purustatud
2 tl magusat või kuumsuitsu jahvatatud paprikat
2x 400g purki hakitud tomateid (või passata, eelistate ühtlasemat kastet)
2x 400g purki kikerherneid, nõrutatud ja loputatud
Sool ja värskelt jahvatatud must pipar
Serveerimiseks: Peotäis värsket koriandrit, jämedalt hakitud
Krõbe leib või röstsai (valikuline)
Meetod: 1. Aseta suur, lai ja kõrge küljega kaanega pann keskmise kuumusega pliidile ja lisa väike tilk toiduõli - vorst vabastab palju rasva, nii et vaja vaevalt. Lisa chorizo ja pruunista. Tööta vajaduse korral partiidena, et vältida panni jahtumist ja liha hautamist. Eemalda vorst pannilt ja aseta kõrvale, jättes punase rasva pannile.
2. Lisa sibulad, punane paprika ja pruunista umbes 10 minutit, kuni see on pehme. Järgmisena lisa küüslauk ja paprika pulber ning keeda segades minut või kaks. Lisa tomatid ja piisavalt kuuma vett, kui segu on liiga paks. Kuumuta keema, kata osaliselt kaanega.
Seejärel keera kuumus maha ja lase toidul 15 minutit haududa.
3. Lisa pannile kikerherned koos praetud chorizoga, sega ja kuumuta läbi.
Serveeri koriandri ja röstsaiaga kastme riibumiseks taldrikult.
Head isu!
Wednesday, 8 July 2020
Breakfast at Tiffany's Tableset. Mosaiik-koes lauamatt.
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Placemat and coaster in mosaic knit pattern |
What else is on my needles? The most exciting new item is a summer top with mosaic yoke. It's my first ever garment pattern. I have made garments for myself and my daughter but never graded a pattern in several sizes. I've learnt so much in this process! The pattern is on my tech editor's table right now.
Another project I'm working on is a mosaic blanket (again, I know!). It's worked all in one piece, quite big and heavy. I manage to knit just some rows now and then. I hope it will be finished by August. Some swatches can be seen on the last photo below.
Sharing your projects made from my patterns on social media please tag me @arellaseatondesign
I am happy to offer you the introductory discount of 25% off (coupon code: Tiffany) until midnight, Tuesday, July 14 (UK time zone) at the Breakfast at Tiffany's pattern.
Thank you for purchasing my pattern!
The pattern will be added to my LoveCrafts store shortly.
I know some of you having problems with Ravelry. I will look for other options for opening a pattern store and I'll let you know when it's available.
If you like the pattern, please consider adding it to your favourites or leaving a comment on the pattern page. Thank you!
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Mosaic blanket in progress |
Sunday, 14 June 2020
DIY Water Bottle Holder. Tee ise: Veepudeli kott.
Friday, 5 June 2020
Knitted Soft Book. Kootud pehme raamat.
Wednesday, 20 May 2020
Through the Daisies. Jalgupidi karikakrais.
Friday, 15 May 2020
New Pattern, New Test Knitting. Uus muster, uus testkudumine.
The Elly’s afghan/blanket was inspired by abstract geometric art. I find geometric abstraction very eyecatching and as a knitter, very knittable. After examing several paintings, I started to experiment with shapes and figuring out the movement of the lines, before I came up with my design.
Also, the pattern can be used for making a wall hanging instead of a blanket. Why not use finer yarn and different fibre, like cotton or acrylic for smaller wall decoration?
Working in intarsia is fairly easy for an advanced beginner who is comfortable with the basic knit and purl stitches. You just have to be careful and organized working from 7-9 skeins simulatneously.
Tuesday, 5 May 2020
MKAL progress & New Release. Salakudumised edenevad & Uus muster.
Mustrimaailma salakudumine edeneb hoogsalt, kui just aiatööd vahele ei trügi. Sunray oli kiireim, tal juba tekk, koos väikeste muudatustega, valmis. Vaata ja imetle kunstiteost!
Sunday, 19 April 2020
Intarsia MKAL in progress. Intarsia salakudumine edeneb hoogsalt.
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aili62 has chosen beautiful colours |
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sirts75 has finished the second clue, half oh the blanket is done |
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toomkuningas makes a cushion cover instead of a blanket and uses novelty yarns |
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Sunray added a dark border |