Saturday 29 June 2019

Catch Two Cats Too Sock Pattern. Kassisokimuster!

Can you see my recent love is mosaic knitting? Mosaic knitting is fun and easy way of knitting with two colours to create a colourwork pattern which looks much more complicated than it is. The beauty of mosaic knitting is that it only uses one of the yarns at a time, while the other waits at the beginning of the round. 
The kitty chart was such a fun to work with. I started out with a general image and kept adding little details. At first, I had a washcloth pattern in my mind but it kept evolving and wanted to become something else. At some point, I got the idea of intertwined cat tails. The result of days work, wondering and pondering is here, the sock pattern with one kitty sitting at the front of the leg, the other one at the back with their tails intertwined in the heart on the outside.
There are several nifty details in the pattern. Two options are given for the heel, short row heel or short row reinforced heel for hard-wearing socks. I know that socks with short row heel might be tight around ankles so I added a small gusset there. Another option is to work just your favourite heel. Socks are worked from the cuff down with rounded toe for an easy finish, no need for Kitchener Stitch.

Love the pattern? 


Thank you for supporting my work by purchasing my patterns!

Tähelepanelik lugeja on kindlasti märganud mu armastust mosaiik mustrite loomise vastu. Mosaiikmuster on lihtne kududa, sest korraga on ainult üks lõng kasutuses, teine ootab oma järge. 

Kassikese muster oli esialgu mõeldud teki- või pesulapi kudumiseks, kuid see muudkui arenes edasi, detailid lisandusid nagu iseenesest. Millalgi tekkis idee panna kassike sokisäärele, ja seda ma isegi ei mäleta, kust tekkis idee kassisabad südameks kokku keerata. Mosaiik on ka kootud veidi teisiti, kui tavaliselt, kombineeritud on parempidist- ja ripskude. Õpetuses on veelgi nutikaid nippe kasutatud. Sokikanna kudumiseks on antud kaks juhendit, lühikeste ridadega kand või lühikeste ridadega, tugevdatud kand. Lisatud on väike kannakiil, kuna sellise kannaga sokk jääb vahel pahkluust kitsaks. Loomulikult võib hoopis kududa oma lemmik-kanna! 

Muster meeldib?


Suur tänu, et toetad mu tööd soetades mu mustreid!
Momendil on see muster saadaval ainult inglise keeles. 

Tuesday 18 June 2019

What's On My Needles? Mis on varrastel?

Are you curious what's on my needles? After finishing the Bay of Biscay mitts pattern I decided to work with mosaic patterns again. I've shared several free charts here earlier, a Duck, a Boat, Butterflies, maybe something else, can't remember at the moment. I was about to release a Kitty chart but got distracted by an idea to develop it to a sock pattern. The socks turned out cute. Have a look at the photo below, it's an initial sample. Since then I've knit another pair, written the pattern, got it tech edited and now my trusty test knitters are busy testing different sizes of the socks. I still need to get some photos taken before I can release the pattern. So pity I don't have any cats around for a photoshoot. 

The next idea was to make mitts with kitty pattern. I've made a sample but it needs tweaking. I've put it on hold until I get suitable yarn for another sample.

Summer is here and I would love to have a new cotton top, haven't made any for myself recently. I was browsing patterns in Ravelry and decided to knit the Butterfly Heart top instead of designing my own pattern. It meant to be an easy knit. Turned out it's not an easy pattern at all! Need to follow 3-4 charts and written instructions with a lot of "At the same time..." going on. I'm on holiday, no printer here, have to follow everything on the screen. As you can see I manage somehow, it's growing!

Butterfly Heart Top in progress

Millega olen tegelenud, mida kudunud? Vardad on ikka töös, kuigi toodangu hulgaga kiidelda ei saa. Peale Biskaia Lahe sõrmituid kindaid oli soov jälle mosaiiki kududa. Olen sel aastal loonud hulga mosaiik mustrite skeeme. Palju skeeme olen postitanud ka siin blogis, part, purjekas, liblikad, jne. Kujundasin kassipoja skeemi, kui tuli idee seda edasi arendada sokimustriks. Esimene sokipaar on alloleval fotol. Korrigeerisin skeemi, lisasin suurusi, kirjutasin mustri juhendi. Nüüdseks on juhend korrektori käest läbi käinud ja testkudujad töötavad hoolega. Loodan mustri avaldamisküpseks saada lähipäevadel. Kas oleksid huvitatud mu mustreid inglise keelest eesti keelde tõlkima? Mul lihtsalt pole aega seda teha, ja eestikeelsete terminitega olen ka veidi hädas. Võta ühendust!

Järgmiseks otsustasin kohendada kasside skeemi sõrmitutele. Kudusin ühe paari, et näha, kuidas muster klapib. Idee töötab, aga vajab viimistlemist. Otsin uut lõnga ja koon uuesti läbi, ehk järgmisel kuul.

Suvi on käes ja uut suvist toppi oleks hädasti vaja. Mõtlesin, et ei hakka seekord ise midagi leiutama ja koon valmis mustri järgi. Leidsin Ravelryst Butterfly Heart topi mustri, Dropsi muster tegelikult. Muster osutus kordi keerulisemaks, kui arvasin! Korraga vaja jälgida 3-4 skeemi ja juhendit. Momendil mul printimise võimalust pole, koon arvutiekraanilt. Aga kudum kasvab. Ainus viga, et puuvillane lõng on väheelastne ja käsi jääb haigeks, kui liiga hoogu satun. 


Catch Two Cats Too socks pattern coming soon