A couple of years ago I was amazed to see Innocent Smoothies wearing little hat in the supermarkets. I discovered that people were knitting these hats and donating them to be sold with the smoothies in support of Age UK as part of the Big Knit programme. At one time, whilst travelling, I used to knit socks at airports and on planes, but this time I have been knitting smoothie hats and have knitted fourteen so far.
For the Big Knit, Age UK and innocent ask knitters of all ages to get creative and come up with their own designs for mini-woolly hats. Once knitted and sent to them, these tiny masterpieces are placed on top of innocent smoothie bottles, which are then sold in stores across the UK.
Mõned aastad tagasi hämmastasid mind mütsiga smuutid poeriiulitel. Leides nüüd üleskutse kududa mütsikesi heategevuseks, otsustasin osaleda. Kui muidu olen reisidel lennates kudunud sokke, siis sel korral kudusin mütsikesi. Mu vana bambusvarraste komplekt ei äratanud huvi isegi mitte Tallinna lennujaamas. Küll aga tekitas Tallinna turvakontrollis huvi käsipagasis reisinud poolsuitsuvorst, mis jäi küll alles, kuid kontrolliti üle :)))