Saturday 29 March 2014

Socks by Mrs Sokike. Sokikese sokikesed.

In the spring of 2010, the Estonian handicraft forum, Isetegija, held a contest for sock knitting. Second place was awarded to Mrs Sokike who had developed a new way of knitting socks starting from the heel. These socks were greatly admired and Mrs Sokike very kindly wrote down the pattern. This is a great way to knit up self striping sock yarn.
For more information please see Ravelry. 

2010. aasta kevadel toimus Isetegija foorumis sokikonkurss. Teise koha saavutas pr. Sokike kududes sokid omaleiutatud viisil alustades kannast. Sokid tekitasid furoori ning pr. Sokike oli nii lahke ja pani õpetuse kirja. Nüüd elab muster oma elu Ravelry's. Väga efektne viis kududa muidu igavavõitu isetriibutuvat sokilõnga. Neid sokke kududes igav juba ei hakka.

Suur tänu, Sokike!
Minu projekt Ravelry's.

Thursday 27 March 2014

Conditori La Glace.

Conditori La Glace is the oldest and probably best confectionary in Denmark. Having a cake and coffee or hot chocolate there was a wonderful experience and a treat for ourselves. There are queues to get a table from the time it opens to the time it shuts - not an espresso or skinny latte in sight!  
La Glace kondiitriäri on üks vanimaid ja parimaid Taanimaal. Traditsioone hoitakse aus alates asutamisest 1870. aastal. Ei mingit latte't ega espressot, vaid ajastuhõnguline kohv ja imeline kuum śokolaad. Ja millised võrratud koogid! Ime siis, et järjekord püsib uksetaga alates avamisest kuni sulgemiseni. 

Wednesday 26 March 2014

Bicycles in Copenhagen.

 During my recent city break to Copenhagen, I was really impressed by the cycling culture in the city. There are thousands of cyclists all using designated cycling lanes on both sides of the streets. It must be a cycling heaven! For thousands of commuters traffic congestion is avoided and it is a highly efficient and healthy mode of transport. To me it seems that the Danes are really fit and I did not see any overweight people at all. 
 Nädalavahetusereisil Kopenhaagenisse hämmastas mind tõsiselt jalgratturite hulk linnas. Olen ju lugenud sellest varemgi, kuid oma silm on kuningas. Kõik suuremad teed linnas on mõlemalt poolt ääristatud jalgrattateedega. Tõeline jalgratturite paradiis! Mõelda vaid, kui iga jalgratta asemel oleks auto, milliseid ummikuid see tekitaks. Ja lisaks kõigele on taanlased väga heas vormis, ülekaalulisi silma ei hakanud :)

Thursday 13 March 2014

Squares for Mother of the Year blanket 2014. Tekiruudud.

It is the time of year again to knit some squares to support the annual tradition of the Estonian handicraft forum, Isetegija, to knit a throw made up of the squares. This throw is for Mother of the Year. Everyone can contribute two squares for the throw, however not many knitters have taken part this year so I have knitted four squares instead. The throw will be awarded on Mother’s day which in Estonia is in May.
It is fun and quite fast knitting squares for this project and every year I try a new pattern otherwise I wouldn’t knit. The square is the right size for a swatch and helps as I browse through my pattern books and internet sources to find something different this year.

For more information please see Ravelry.

Jälle on aeg kududa lapikesi, et valmistada lapitekk Aasta Emale kingituseks ja tänuks Isetegija  foorumi rahva poolt. Kahjuks on sel aastal kudujaid vähevõitu, seega kudusin kahe lapi asemel neli. Lappide kudumine läheb üsna kiiresti ja põnev on ka. Püüan alati leida uusi mustreid, mida kududa. Lappan oma mustriraamatuid ja otsin ideid netist. Ilma selle projektita ma ilmselt ei kooks mõnda mustrit kunagi. Tahaks ju mustriraamatutest kududa nii mõndagi ja tekilapp on just paras proovimaks :)
Lapid on kootud vardail nr 2,75 mm, silmuste arv 41-42, olenevalt mustrist.