Friday 30 December 2016

Pitsilised Koekirjad a. k. a. Project of the Year 2016/11. Pitsilised Koekirjad ehk Suur Tegu 2016/11.

Next seven squares for my project are ready, 63 all together now. 
All of them can be seen on my Ravelry project page or in the blog, tag PitsilisedKoekirjad

The pattern number 45 has wrong side up on the photo in the book.
The pattern number 56 had a great 3D look before blocking, I added some small photos below to show the effect. 

Järgmised seitse ruutu on valmis, kokku 63. Kõiki seni valminud ruute saab näha mu Ravelry lehel või blogis sildiga PitsilisedKoekirjad.
Mustri nr 45 foto on raamatus pahempidi, miks ka mitte, võib mõlemat pidi kanda.

Pattern 56 before blocking: 

Muster 56 oli enne venitamist toredalt ruumiline:

Next pattern is not directly from the book. I made it up, inspired by the pattern nr XX, just as a sample but I decided to leave it, not to rip it up.

Järgmise ruudu muster on omalooming, inspireeritud mustrist XX. Otsustasin mitte üles harutada vaid jätta näidiseks. Mustrite kudumine on põnev, tekitab uusi ideid, üldse nagu väike pitsikudumise koolitus. Aastaprojekt venib küll mitmele aastale, aga tähtis on ju protsessi nautida.
Järgmisel aastal uue hooga!

The year is over and I am still just about half way through of my project. I have to rename it, Project of the years. I enjoy knitting the squares time to time, take a break and knit again. 
I'll carry on next year!

Monday 26 December 2016

Knitting on Xmas time. Jõuluaegne kudumine.

I purchased these beautiful variegated yarns years and years ago when visiting The Knitting and Stitching Show in London. I picked them from a pile of sale yarns amongst some messy skeins with no labels. I assumed them to be Colinette Jitterbug but not sure. What do you think? 

Over the years I have had different plans about what to knit with them. So far I just admired the colours but finally I made my mind up to knit a pair of finger-less gloves. I browsed Ravelry for patterns and fell in love with Pioneer Gloves. It was a very enjoyable knit, fast and easy, watching Xmas programs at the same time. The pattern is well written and clear and is free as well. I made some minor changes because the brown yarn was thicker; I decreased purl stitches. I had just 36 grams of this colourway of variegated yarn so I finished the gloves in solid brown yarn. I actually quite like the solid finish. I love the result and I might knit another pair for my sister.

Ostsin need kaunid värvikirevad lõngad aastaid tagasi Londonist käsitöömessilt. Korjasin nad üles ühest jäägikorvist, pisut sassis lõngatokkide seast, sildidki olid kaduma läinud. Ma arvan, et see lõng on Colinette Jitterbug, aga päris kindel ei saa olla. 
Aastate jooksul on olnud igasuguseid plaane, mida neist kududa, aga kõik on tegemata jäänud, ainult imetlen värve. Otsisin mingit väikest lihtsat kudumist jõuluaegse TV vaatamise ajaks. Õues jalutades tekkis plaan kududa sõrmitud, hea telefoni näppida vajadusel. Huvitav, et lõng ootab aastaid, ja siis ühel hetkel tekib idee ja teostus nagu iseenesest. 
Ravelrys mustreid otsides jäid silma Pioneer Gloves. Mõnus ja kiire kudumine, hästi kirjapandud muster, pealekauba tasuta. Kirjut lõnga oli ainult 36 grammi, jätkasin pruuniga. Mulle meeldib, ühevärviline pruun lõpetab kinda kenasti. Kuna pruun oli jämedam, siis kahandasin pahempidiseid silmuseid, kududes kahe asemel ühe. Tulemusega olen väga rahul, ilmselt koon teise paari veel, õele.

Monday 19 December 2016

KnitPicks order has arrived! KnitPicks tellimus saabus!

I've been using KnitPicks needles for years and I love them, but I have never used their yarn before. There is an opportunity to order the KnitPicks yarn delivered straight from US to UK free of charge now. I'm really quite excited to try out my new yarns! 

I ordered a book as well, The New Knitter's Template, I thought it might be useful. I have designed my own sweaters for years but I never wrote down any sweater pattern, all that shaping and sizing is a bit scary. I haven't had time to read the book yet, just briefly skimmed through. One thing I noticed it says: The templates are designed for garments knit from the bottom up. I'm a bit disappointed as it wasn't in the description of the book. I prefer  to knit top-down. Oh well, still a useful book. 

KnitPicks'i vardaid kasutan juba aastaid ja need meeldivad mulle väga. Nüüd on võimalik tellida KnitPicks'i lõngu otse USA'st Inglismaale ilma saatekuluta. Tahtsin oma sokilõngade varusid täiendada ja uusi lõngu proovida, nii see tellimus teele läks. Aega veidi võttis, kuid lõpuks nad saabusid ja saan vardad sisse lüüa!
Tellimuses oli ka raamat The New Knitter's Template. Kampsuneid endale ja tütrele olen ammu ise disaininud, kui julgust muster kirja panna pole olnud. Raamatut läbi pole veel lugenud, kuid silma jäi, et see on mõeldud abiks traditsiooniliste alt üles kootud kampunite kudumisel. Mulle aga meeldib ülalt alla kududa. Kahjuks see oluline informatsioon puudus raamatu kirjeldusest veebilehel. Egas midagi, loodetavasti on raamatust abi ikka.

Monday 12 December 2016

Getting into the Christmas Spirit. Jõulumeeleolu tekib.

I knitted a Christmas stocking and it was a quick decision and a quick knit. I used up some left over yarn and experimented with the toe and heel. Actually it was all an experiment for me. It was the first time I have ever knitted a sock on circular needles using the magic loop method. The pattern used on the leg is from a region of Rõuge in Estonia where my great grandmother was born. The motif was used for woven belts worn with national costume. 
I sewed a lining into the stocking to keep it in shape.  I was so much in a hurry to gift it away I didn't even weigh the final sock and got just a quick photo. Actually there are tiny golden stars in the middle of the pattern.
Knitting the stocking got me in the Xmas spirit. I gifted it to my daughter who lives in Edinburgh. Next day walking around in the city the Xmas spirit grew even more seeing the Street of Light in Edinburgh city centre and walking under the lights. I think these are the greatest Christmas lights I ever seen!

Kudusin jõulusoki! Kiire otsus ja kiire teostus, igas mõttes eksperiment. Esimest korda elus kudusin sokki ringvarrastel magic loop meetodil. Ka kand ja varvas on minu jaoks esmakordsed nii kududa. Sääreosal kasutasin Rõuge vöökirja motiivi, mille esialgu valisin, kuna meeldis ja silmuste arv sobis. Hiljem meenus, et mu vana-vanaema on ju Rõugest pärit. 
Sokiga läks nii kiireks, et läks meelest kaaluda, palju lõnga kulus. Igaljuhul kolm lõngajääki said viimse jupini ära kasutatud. Voodri õmblesin ka, et paremini vormis püsiks. Pilt sai kahjuks kehva, ainult üks kiire klõps. Kuldsed tärnid säärel ei paistagi välja.
Soki viisin kingituseks tütrele, kes elab Edinburghis. Jõulusoki kudumine tekitas jõulumeeleolu, mis kasvas veelgi jalutades jõulutuledes linnas. Nii suurejoonelisi tulesid poelgi varem näinud! Uhke, kas pole? Nagu muinasjutu loss :)

Tuesday 6 December 2016

Drumashie hat.

May I introduce my second GAL2016 project, Drumashie hat by Emily K Williams. I fell in love with this hat from the first sight. I love the twist on the top, double layer and of course the lace. The mohair I used was thicker than stated in the pattern hence I cast on 121 stitches. The pattern is well written, clear and full of schematics, easy to follow. 
I have been wearing the hat three days already and am very happy with it. I might knit another one in a different colourway. 

Esitlen oma teist GAL2016 raames valminud tööd, Drumashie müts, disainer Emily K Williams. Müts meeldis väga kohe esimesest silmapilgust. Mulle meeldis nii pööris pealael, kui ka kahekihilisus. Põhimõtteliselt saab mütsi kanda kahtepidi. Minu mohäär oli jämedam, kui mustris ette nähtud, seetõttu vähendasin silmuste arvu ja alustasin 121 silmusega.
Olen mütsi kandnud juba kolm päeva ja väga rahul. Tulevikus võiks kududa uuesti teistsuguse värvikombinatsiooniga.


Sunday 4 December 2016

Twisted Fall Hat.

My first GAL2016 project is ready. I knitted the Twisted Fall hat by Aet Terasmaa. I love the pattern, lovely hat and well written instructions. I really enjoyed  twisting these tiny cables a.k.a. vikkel braids. I twisted the cables without cable needle, much faster and fun. I used Drops Lima from my stash. The yarn is not really suitable for this hat, too thick, hence I modified the pattern. I used interchangeable cable needles for knitting the hat and attached a half size smaller needle on the left, easier to twist the cables this way. 
Big thank you to GAL2016 organizers. I discovered so many wonderful designers and patterns!

Mu esimene GAL2016 projekt on valmis, Twisted Fall müts, mustri autor Aet Terasmaa. Väga ilus ja hästi kirjapandud muster. Nautisin vikeldamist! Kudusin ringvarrastel, mille vasakule poole panin pool numbrit väiksema vardaotsa, kergem vikleid keerata. Lõngaks valisin Drops Lima kodustest varudest. Lõng on jämedam, kui mustris antud, seetõttu kudusin vähem mustrikordi. Kui uuesti kooksin, valiksin peenema lõnga, mu müts on veidi kange. 
Suur tänu GAL2016 organiseerijatele! Tänu teile olen tutvunud paljude uute disainerite ja mustritega.

Tuesday 29 November 2016

Last chance tomorrow! Homme on viimane võimalus!

It's last chance until tomorrow,  November 30th 11:59pm US EST,  to grab some bargain Indie designer patterns during the GAL2016. After that we just knit-knit-crochet and chat-chat-chat.
There is still loads of lovely prizes for participants to win!
I'm going to pick a sock pattern to knit up. Which one of these?

Vanilla is the New Black 

Scullers Socks

Sideways Socks with Braids

Lady Una

The Yellow-Gartered Dude Abides

Quatre de carreau (4 of Diamonds)


Homme on viimane võimalus soetada soodushinnaga indie disainerite mustreid GAL2016 raames.
Peale seda ainult koo-koo-heegelda ja jutusta foorumis. Palju suurepäraseid auhindu saadaval!

Saturday 26 November 2016

Some wonderful garments from GAL2016. Mõned pilkupüüdvad kampsunid.

Pinterest board for all sweaters & other garments is here.
I picked some of my favourites from participating designers, not all on sale though. I probably not going to knit any of them during the GAL as I'm quite a slow knitter. Still I can admire and dream, maybe one day ...

Pixelated Pullover

Twig Sweater


Mishigami Pullover


Dealla Cardigan

Sweet Chilly

Jagged Little Stripe

Minu lemmikud pilkupüüdvad kampsunid GAL-is osalevatelt disaineritelt. Kõik pole küll soodushinnaga saadaval. Esialgu ainult imetlen.

Friday 25 November 2016

GAL2016 some of my favourite hat patterns. Mütsid, mis köitsid mind.

There is a great team working to give us the best GAL2016. Pinterest boards are set up for each category of patterns. Today I went through the hat patterns for women to find my favorites. I might knit some of these. Pinterest board for participating hat patterns can be found here. All Gift-a-Long sales patterns can be found in Ravelry as well. Use the advanced search button to find categories of your interest. 
I was looking for interesting details, design elements, something special and added lot of hat patterns to my favourites. Some of my finds in random order:


Dark Water Cowl & Hat 

Into Trees


Zelda Hat



Twisted Fall hat

Now I regret a bit I didn't add my hat pattern to my sale bundle. Oh well, next time.


GAL2016 meeskond on teinud tohutu töö, et kõik soodushinnaga mustrid oleks kergesti leitavad. 
Kõik mustrid on nähtavad Ravelrys, kasutades 'advanced search' nuppu leiad sind huvitavad kategooriad. Mustrid on ka Pinterestis, näiteks mütsid on siin. 
Mõned minu lemmik mütsid on ülalolevad. Loodan mõne valmis ka kududa.

Wednesday 23 November 2016