Sunday 30 December 2018

I have a New Pattern for You, Thanks to the GAL! Uus muster, tänu GAL'ile.

Let's Twist Again Mitts

I feel a bit guilty I did not post about The Indie Design Gift-a-Long GAL back in November when the event was kicked off. Did you participate? I had big changes going on in personal life and I didn't find my writing mojo back then. The event will end tomorrow midnight. Hopefully, it all starts again next November!

If you never heard of the GAL you better head over to Ravelry and find out. Basically, it's a big knit/crochet party where knitters and indie designers get together to celebrate, chat, play games and work together. It was my third year to participate as a knitter and designer. I knitted several projects and even won some prizes in games. 

Besides all the fun and knitting there was another, quite unexpected, outcome for me too. I made the Twisted Fall hat, fell in love with the stitch pattern, had some yarn left over from the hat and decided to design matching fingerless mitts. Yes, I asked the designer, does she have any plans to design mitts. No, she does not. I actually own a book containing the stitch pattern, so it's not like I used hers.

As you can see below my initial version of the mitts was slightly different from the final.
I am really happy how the mitts turned out and knitters seem to like them too.

If you would like to knit a pair of fingerless mitts, please get the pattern now. By the way, the pattern is  25% off (no coupon code required) until midnight, Wednesday, January 2 (UK time zone).

Twisted Fall Hat

Ma tunnen end natuke süüdlasena, et varem ei kirjutanud GAL'ist. Kes on mu blogi jälginud, ehk mäletavad kahet eelmist aastast, kui osa võtsin. Juba kuuendat aastat toimub Ravelry Indie Design Gift-a-Long grupis üritus, kui kudujad ja indie disainerid kokku saavad, lobisevad, koovad/ heegeldavad ja aasta lõppu tähistavad. Igasugused mängud ja loosimised toimuvad ka, ning auhindu jagub enamikule osavõtjatele. Võibolla võtsid ka Sina osa? Kui mitte sel aastal, siis ehk järgmisel?

Mina kudusin GALi jooksul mitu paari susse ja mütsi. Mütsi muster hakkas meeldima, ja kuna lõnga oli üle, otsustasin sama mustriga sõrmitud kindad kududa. See oli üsna ootamatu tulemus, kuna mul polnud mingit plaani mustrit avaldada GALi jooksul. Twisted Fall mütsi disainis Aet Terasmaa. Kindaid sain mitu korda harutada enne, kui lõpliku variandini jõudsin. Tulemuse üle olen õnnelik, ja tundub, et meeldib paljudele.

Muster on 25% odavam kuni 2. jaanuari keskööni.