Sunday 29 September 2019

My New Mosaic Knitting Patterns. Minu uued mosaiik kudu-mustrid.

I've been busy charting and knitting mosaic patterns and forgot to post my latest designs here. The tableset on the right turned out nicely, I'm happy. It's in everyday use and serves us well. The set is called Come Dine with Me after the popular TV show here in England. Never seen a handmade set on the show though ;)

Next up is a set of coasters with bugs on them (photo below). Bugs are funny little creatures. Some of them are very attractive, others not as much, I mean the real ones. They are all fun as patterns! Could you imagine your best friends face unwrapping a gift, a set of Bugs coasters? 

The Putukad (Bugs) collection contains six bugs. The third pattern, the Fly, was just released, three more to come. By the way, my newletter subscribers got a free fly ;)
Get the Fly for a buck HERE.

Special price $1 (coupon code: FlyFly) until midnight, Wednesday, October 2 (UK time zone).

Mu käed on olnud tegevuses mosaiik mustrite skeemide koostamise ja kudumisega, blogimiseks pole aega jäänud.

Ülemisel pildil on lauamattide komplekt, mis on meil igapäevases kasutuses. Päris kena, mis? Nime sai see komplekt Inglismaal populaarse teleshow Come Dine with Me järgi. Ja nimi on ka kõik, mis sealt pärit, sest ühtki käsitööd seal sarjas küll pole näinud.

Järgmiseks on avaldamisjärgus Putukate komplekt. Mis arvad, kuidas su sõbranna reageeriks, kui kingipakist komplekti putukaid leiab?

Kolmas muster, kärbes, nägi ilmavalgust täna, kolm tuleb veel. Mu uudiskirja tellijad said tasuta kärbse, teistele on momendil suur allahindlus saadaval SIIN.

Monday 23 September 2019

How to Attach a Small Fringe Tassels to Your Knits. Kuidas lisada väikest narmastutti kudumile.

I've designed a set of coasters. The patterns will be available soon, I'll release them over the next couple of weeks. They are mosaic knitted coasters with fun patterns, the Bugs! I know a lot of people doesn't like bugs in real life but they look quite fun on a coaster. Knitted coasters are functional to protect your table, quick to make and a great way to use up leftover yarns. Add a splash of colour and fun to your everyday life or when socialising with friends. Knit up a set of six coasters all in the same two contrasting colours or choose different colours for each coaster. The Putukad (Bugs in Estonian) set of coaster patterns contains patterns for mosaic knitted Honeybee, Dragonfly, Fly, Butterfly, Ladybird and Spider. Which one you would choose for your best friend?
One thing bugged me about the coasters, the corners tend to turn up a bit. I attached little fringe tassels to the corners which help to deal with the issue and add charm.
Usually, the fringe is added with a big crochet hook. My coasters are made in tight gauge and I didn't manage to pull a fringe through with a crochet hook. I used a piece of contrasting colour scrap yarn and a smaller hook instead. Here is a short photo tutorial on how to attach a fringe tassels.                                                                               

1. Cut six pieces of yarn about 6 - 7 times longer than a finished tassel.

2.  Fold the cut yarns in half and put the scrap yarn through the loop.

3. Insert the crochet hook through the corner of a coaster, wrong side facing up. Pull the loose ends of the scarp yarn through the coaster.


4. Pull the tassel half way through the coaster.

5. Pull loose ends of the tassel through the loop created.

6. Tighten the knot and cut the tassel to desired length.

*   *   *

Kudusin mosaiikkoes tassialused. Kuna nurgad kippusid veidi turritama, otsustasin lisada väikesed narmastutid nurkadesse. Tutid on vahvad ja lisavad omapära.
Tavaliselt lisatakse sellised narmad heegelnõelaga, aga mul oli raskusi suure heegelnõela läbi kudumi surumisega, rääkimata veel narmastest. Seega otsustasin kasutada abilõnga ja väiksemat heegelnõela. Fotode järgi peaks olema üsna selge, kuidas ma neid narmastutte lisasin. Üks asi, mida silmas pidada, on lõngajuppide pikkus. Üks narmalõnga jupp peaks olema 6-7 korda pikem, kui valmis narmas, eriti just selliste lühikeste narmaste puhul.
Tassialuste komplekti kuulub kuus mustrit ja komplekt kannab eestikeelset nimetust Putukad. Komplekti kuuluvad mesilane, kiil, kärbes, liblikas, lepatriinu ja ämblik. Mustrid avaldan pisitasa paari järgneva nädala jooksul. Mis putukaga tassialuse asetaksid Sina oma parima sõbra tassi alla?