Test knitters

I run my test knits in my Ravelry group Arella Seaton Design.

If you would like to test knit for me, please join the group and sign up in the Test Knit Sign Up Thread. I'll send an earburn to your Ravelry mailbox when new test is about to begin. You can join the test or skip it, no obligations.

Hope to meet you there!


  1. I have no idea what a test knit is! But it sounds great!

  2. When I write a knitting pattern I look for test knitters who will then get the pattern for free, knit up the item and let me know if there is any problems/mistakes found. My patterns get edited by a professional tech editor. All of this to ensure the pattern works. We are all humans and mistakes may happen. I want my customers get a good pattern and knit beautiful items.
    I'm thankful to have wonderful test knitters. Always room for more though.
