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ABC Book |
Can't believe it's nearly three months since the last post here! I wish there was a software to turn my thoughts to a blog post. Sometimes when I am out walking I write long posts in my head! Unfortunately, I never get around to write them down.
So, what I have been doing? I've released several patterns. I try to release one-two patterns per month. I don't have a schedule. When I get an idea, I go from there. Here are three recent patterns: Dark Honey blanket, All Webbed Up cowl and ABC Book. They are not new designs for me all these have submitted and approved for publishing in different magazines. The Dark Honey and All Webbed Up were supposed to be published in the YarnPeople magazine. I made the samples, posted to them for photography and wrote the pattern. Due to the Covid situation, they decided on hiatus and my patterns were never published. I decided to make new samples because I didn't have any good photos of them. I'm happy with the designs. I wasn't very sure about the spider cowl but people like it, it's quirky and different.
The ABC Book you've seen before, I posted about the book here. The rights are reverted to me and I am free to self-publish the pattern. I made a new sample in brighter colours, added a front and back cover. The binding has changed to make it more secure for those little fingers browsing the book. The mosaic pattern is charted and written out.
So, what to expect next? I am working on Christmas Stocking pattern, in a mosaic of course. There might be even more than one pattern. Other things I'm working on are mosaic slippers and a sweater. Mosaic slippers pattern was my very first pattern in Ravelry, released eight years ago. It's time to update it, add more sizes and bring up to my current standards. The sweater, I'm working on, going to be a basic long-sleeved sweater with an intricate mosaic on the body. I have made one sample already. I need to write down the pattern but I want to make another sample also. We'll see, how it works out!
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All Webbed Up Cowl |
Kolm uut mustrit on lisandunud. Kõik need mustrid olid heaks kiidetud avaldamiseks ajakirjades, kuid Covid'i tõttu jõudis trükivalgust näha ainult üks, ABC raamat, millest kirjutasin siin. Nüüd on mul õigus muster iseseisvalt avaldada. Kudusin uue näidise, lisasin esi- ja tagakaane. Eesti laps selle raamatu järgi eesti keelt küll õppida ei saa. Ma pole ka suutnud välja mõelda, mis pildid peaksid olema eestikeelses raamatus? A nagu Aabits, B Banaan, D Diivan? Hmm, ei ole just huvitavad pildid.
Ämblikuga kaelus ja meekärjega tekike pidid ilmuma YarnPeople ajakirjas, kuid nad katkestasid avaldamise pandeemia tõttu. Ämbiku kaelust kudusime koos Mustrimaailma foorumis. Ma ise polnud kindel, kuidas selline disain meeldib, kuid see on hea vastuvõtu leidnud! Muuseas, uus salakudumine tuleb foorumis varsti, liitu ka!
Uutest tegemistest on käsil mosaiik susside mustri uuendamine. Jajah, see on see vana muster, mis oli mu esimene muster Ravelrys juba kaheksa aastat tagasi! Suurema tööna on käsil kampsuni muster, aga sellest räägime teine kord.
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Dark Honey Blanket |