Saturday 9 September 2017

Shawl Frosty Rosebuds. Külmavõetud roosinupud.

Frost can create such wonderful patterns: delicate branched patterns of fern frost on windows or tiny white ice crystals on leaves, grass and wires. The Frosty Rosebuds shawl pattern is inspired by frost bitten rose buds in late autumn, when some of the petals turn brown and wrinkled and some petals are still colourful. At the coldest time in the morning, when the sun is rising, all world seems to be covered by fragile white crystals. But the most beautiful is frost on the tips of rose petals.

Some designs just come together by themselves, the yarn, the pattern and an idea, all fell in place quite fast.

Mõnikord läheb uue disainiga kergelt, asjaolud lihtsalt langevad kokku. Otsisin üleminekuga sokilõnga salliks. Need värvid meenutasid pakasest näpistatud roosasid roosiõisi. Samal ajal kudusin Pistilistest Koekirjadest oma tekilappe ja vaatasin, et mustreid kokku pannes meenutavad need jäälilli aknal. Natuke "säbru" külmavõetud õienuppudesse, ja nii see muster kokku tuligi.