First pattern release of the year is Mamma Slippers. I believe you have seen crocheted granny square slippers? I like the look of a well-made granny square slippers. Usually, they are colourful and fun. The only thing what bothers me about crocheted slippers, they are quite open, big gaps between stitches. I decided to design slippers with the same construction but using mosaic knit squares.
Six squares are needed for each slipper. I designed six different motifs each can be made in inverted colours also. I had so much fun with motifs, couldn't stop drawing new ones! Next time I make the slippers, I might use more colours too.
The slippers can be made to fit most feet. You need to swatch to get the size you need. The size of the slipper is determined by the size of the squares made. The size of the square depends on the gauge of your knitting. Sizing information is given in the pattern.
The squares are quick and fun to make. Sew the squares together for a charming pair of slippers to keep your toes warm and cosy.
Selle aasta esimene muster, Mamma sussid, on inspireeritud heegeldatud vanaema-ruudu sussidest. Mulle meeldivad nood värvikirevad heegeldatud sussid. Ainus asi, mis häirib, et heegeldus on tavaliselt küllalt hõre. Mamma sussid kasutavad sama konstruktiooni, kuid ruurdud on hoopis kootud mosaiiktehnikas.
Iga sussi jaoks läheb vaja kuut ruutu. Joonistasin kuus erinevat motiivi. Nii tore oli mängida mustritega! Järgmine kord ehk koon värvikirevad sussid, iga ruut ise värvi.
Sussi suurus sõltub ruudu suurusest. Suurusmõõtude tabel on mustris antud. Koo proovilapp ja muuda vajadusel varda suurust, et saada õige suurusega sussid.
Ruudukeste kudumine läheb kiirelt. Järgmiseks jõuluks jõuab hulga paare kududa teiste tööde vahel! ;)
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