Friday 19 July 2019

Knitted Washcloth Collection. Kootud pesulapid.

I've been working on creating mosaic knitting charts since Spring. Once I started I can't stop anymore. I keep tweaking the charts and creating new ones, always more ideas coming up. I've released several charts for free in this blog and Instagram. They were basic colorwork charts, easy to use for mosaic knitting if you know how to work mosaic. Now I decided to create advanced charts with slip stitches included and create stitch by stitch written out pattern too. Some people are not good at following a chart, written is easier for them. The Flower Washcloth is first from the collection. The pattern is available on Ravelry and LoveCrafts. Collection will be available on Ravelry as an Ebook of a minimum of three patterns. Unfortunately, LoveCrafts doesn't support discounts, Ebooks or collections, that's why I decided to offer you lower price there.
A washcloth is a good starting point for learning about mosaic knitting. It's a small and quick to make project, perfect summer knitting and makes a great Christmas gift. Are you preparing for Xmas already? 

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Kevadel alanud töö mosaiik kudumise mustrite loomisega jätkub, vaibumise märke veel pole. Paar kuud tagasi jagasin mosaiik mustrite skeeme blogis ja Instagramis. Sellised skeemid on head, kui tead, kuidas mosaiiki kududa. Päris algaja tahab ehk detailsemaid skeeme, kus on täpselt näidatud, millised silmused kududa, millised tõsta. Lillemuster on esimene seeriast, kus isegi inglisekeelne "regivärss" on välja kirjutatud silmuste kaupa. Väike lapike on hea kasutada pesulapina või nõudepesuks. See on hea projekt mosaiigi harjutamiseks enne suuremate asjade kallale asumist. Suvel polegi ju aega suurteks kudumiteks, väike hea kotti pista. Miks mitte valmistada mõned pesulapid jõulukingitusteks?
Inglisekeelne muster on saadaval Ravelry ja LoveCrafts lehel.

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