Wednesday 20 February 2019

Flowerbed Crescent Knitting Pattern.

The Flowerbed Stole has been a popular pattern for some years now. Every now and then people ask me about a different shape of a shawl using the same stitch pattern. Here it is, the crescent! The Flowerbed Crescent combines a delicate lace border with the modern shape of a crescent shawl cascading from your shoulders like a small capelet. Dress yourself up for an occasion or wear as a cover on sunny days. A little lace shawl can be surprisingly cosy even on chilly days!
Several discount offers are available, check the pattern page in Ravelry to find the offer which is the best value for you. Create your own Flowerbed by the time the Spring begins!
Don't forget to create your Ravelry project page and tag me when you share your project on Instagram/Facebook. I would love to see your project!

Lillevälja sall on pikalt oodanud kaaslast. Lõpuks on ta siin, sirbikujuline Lilleväli! Pitssall võib olla su parim sõber paljudes olukordades. Ta muudab vajadusel Su kleidi pidulikumaks, katab suvel Su päikesest põlenud õlgu ja on üllatavalt soe külmal talvepäeval. 
Momendil on mitmed soodustused saadaval. Leia need Ravelry mustrilehelt ja koo omale kevade alguseks uus Lilleväli!

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