Saturday 11 August 2018

Pitsilised Koekirjad a. k. a. Project of the Years 2016-18 / 15. Pitsilised Koekirjad ehk Suur Tegu 2016-18 / 15.

It's been a while since I posted about my progress on the project knitting the patterns from the Pitsilised Koekirjad, an old Estonian stitch dictionary from 1986. I get distracted by ideas for new designs of my own and see them as a priority at a time. I'm not too worried about slow progress, as I knew from the very beginning, I'll take my time. It is a great way to learn more about lace, improve my technique, explore how appearances can change by changing just knit to purl for example.

The next five squares for my project are ready; 88 of them in total now. 
All of them can be seen on my Ravelry project page or in the blog, tag PitsilisedKoekirjad

How my project began


Viimasest postitusest samal teemal on hulga aega möödas. Kui Isetegija koostegemise raames selle projektiga alustasin, teadsin üsna alguses, et aastaga ma valmis ei jõua. Saan palju inspiratsiooni muude disainide jaoks sellest lapikudumisest, eksitab rajalt ;) Preagu on mu huviorbiidis kudumite disainimine, sel tegevusel on eesõigus, sest lihtsalt nii huvitav on!
Järgmised viis ruutu valmisid puhkusel olles, nüüd on kokku 88. Kõiki seni valminud ruute saab näha mu Ravelry lehel või blogis sildiga PitsilisedKoekirjad.

Kes on unustanud mu projekti algusloo, siis leiab selle siit.

Working on this sample, I changed some purls to knits and all appearance changed. 


Selle mustri kudumisel tegin väikese muudatuse, osad pahempidised silmused kudusin parempidi, ja üldilme muutus tihedamaks.

Similar columns to the previous pattern worked in a different way.


Sarnased sambad, kui eelmises mustris, kootud erineval moel.

Did you notice a slight difference in the pattern on top and bottom halves of the sample? There are purled columns between yo's and decreases, on the top half, they are worked tbl.


Kas märkad väikest erinevust mustris? Ülemises osas on osad pahempidised silmused kootud keerdus.

Looking at this pattern photo in the book and the chart provided, I noticed a mistake. On the photo, you can see purl rows, but they are not charted. I really like the look with purled rows added. 


Selles mustris olevad pahempidised read on näha raamatufotol, kuid puuduvad skeemis. 
Minumeelest teevad need pahempidised read mustri huvitavamaks.

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