These gloves have always existed for me in my memories. As a child I admired them in my Mom’s locker, so beautiful and finely crocheted! Somehow, when the time came for me to have them, there was only one glove. When I started an independent life, the glove traveled with me everywhere. I tried to crochet the same type of gloves for myself but I could not crochet as well as the originals had been done. Years later, when my mother passed away, the second glove materialised and I finally got a pair. I even wore them for some time, until they began to show signs of wear. I do not even know if it was my mom who crocheted them. They are probably around fifty years old by now and the material used appears to be black sewing thread.
A lovely memorial from my dearest Mom.

Need sõrmikud on minu mälestustes alati olemas olnud. Lapsena imetlesin neid ema laekas, nii kaunid ja peenelt heegeldatud! Millegipärast oli alati ainult üks kinnas sahtlis. Kui kord iseseisva elu peale sain, rändas kinnas minuga kaasa. Proovisin ise samasuguseid teha, kuid ei õnnestunud nii peenelt ja tihedalt heegeldada. Kui ema oli juba teispoolsuses, ilmus välja ka teine kinnas ja neist sai paar. Ma isegi kandsin neid mingil ajal, kuni nad hakkasid väsimuse märke välja näitama. Ma ei tea, kas need on mu ema heegeldatud. Vanust peaks neil olema viiekümne aasta ringis. Materjaliks ilmselt must õmblusniit. Arvan, et kindad on pesus kokku tõmmanud ja seetõttu on kude nii tihe.
Armas mälestus emast!