Thursday, 15 February 2018

Fractured Rib Scarf.

It does not happen very often I work in bulky yarn. This time I came up with three items! I posted the Lumepilve hat and scarf a week ago. I just had to knit the Fractured Rib scarf too. When I searched my stitch dictionaries for the patterns, I could not choose between two.
Which one do you like the best, Lumepilve or Fractured Rib?

Check out the introductory offer for my Instagram and Facebook page followers!

Ma ei koo väga tihti jämeda lõngaga. Seekord juhtus nii, et valmisid kaks salli ja müts. No lihtsalt ei suutnud valida, kumb muster meeldib rohkem, kas Lumepilve salli oma või see, Fractured Rib (Murtud ribid :D ). Kumb Sulle rohkem meeldib?

Friday, 9 February 2018

Thursday, 8 February 2018

Lumepilve Hat and Scarf. Lumepilve müts ja sall.

I fell in love with this stitch pattern! I used it for socks at first. It still takes some time before I can show off the socks, be patient. Then I decided to use the same pattern using bulky yarn. Usually, I get an idea for a pattern name when working, but not this time. So I asked for advice on Facebook. One version I really liked was Snowclouds. Turned out there are several patterns in Ravelry called Snowcoulds. So I used an Estonian word, Lumepilve Hat and Scarf.
At first glance, it looks like a simple pattern, but really you have to have some skills. There are cables and yarn-overs and decreases and slipped stitches. I love the nice, rounded edge too. Look up my previous post, cabling without a cable needle, when working with this pattern. Speeds up the work and no need to fiddle around with a cable needle.
Like the set? Find the patterns in Ravelry.

Ma olen sellesse mustrisse vist veidi armunud momendil! Kõigepealt kudusin sokipaari, siis otsustasin kasutada sama mustrit jämedast lõngast salli ja mütsi kudumiseks. Sokid pole küll veel blogisse jõudnud, aga küll nad tulevad. Tavaliselt tekib mul mustrit kududes idee, kuidas seda kutsuda, kuid seekord mitte. Küsisin Facebookis abi ja sain palju huvitavaid nime variante. Üks lemmikuid oli Snowclouds, kuid Ravelrys on mitmeid sellenimelisi mustreid. Niisiis olin kaval, ja kasutasin eestikeelset varianti.
Ühelt poolt on lihtsad soonikkoes sall ja müts, kuid mõned palmikukeerud ja õhksilmad teevad asja huvitavamaks. Kasutades ilma abivardata palmiku keeramise võtet läheb töö üsna kiirelt! Tegin ka lühikesed videod, kuidas palmikut keerata, vaata mu eelmist postitust!

Saturday, 3 February 2018

Cabling Without A Cable Needle. Kuidas keerata palmikut ilma abivardata.

Cabling without a cable needle, left cross, 2/2 LC.
Slip 2 stitches from the left needle to the right needle, purl wise, with yarn in back. Knit 2 stitches. Insert the left needle into the second pair of stitches on the right needle knit wise. Slide the first pair of stitches off the needle. Bring the right needle to the back and pick up the stitches. Knit 2 stitches.

Cabling without a cable needle, right cross, 2/2 RC.
With yarn in front, slip two stitches from the left needle to the right needle. Knit 2 stitches. Insert the left needle into the second pair of stitches on the right needle from behind. Slide the first pair of stitches off the needle. Bring the right needle to the front and pick up the stitches. Slip the yarn to the back and knit 2 stitches.