The story of
these tiny mittens began when I was knitting a previous pair of mittens.
Little Charlotte was sitting beside me, and she constantly admired and caressed the half-finished mittens. ‘How lovely and soft and warm and much better than store-bought they are!’ This was the first time in her life she had seen how to knit mittens. She tried to follow the pattern and see how black and white squares of the pattern turned to black and white loops on the needles. It was a great joy for her to see how the thumb was knitted in the thumb hole. It was really heartwarming for me to see the child so interested in the process. This girl had to get her own mittens for Christmas, despite the fact that here in England it isn’t really so cold in winter time, snow is rarely seen here and children are running around with jacket or coat buttons open rather than warmly wrapped in shawls, hats and mitts. So these mittens were born without any sort of rules to comply with and in the girl's favorite color - yellow.
Little Charlotte was sitting beside me, and she constantly admired and caressed the half-finished mittens. ‘How lovely and soft and warm and much better than store-bought they are!’ This was the first time in her life she had seen how to knit mittens. She tried to follow the pattern and see how black and white squares of the pattern turned to black and white loops on the needles. It was a great joy for her to see how the thumb was knitted in the thumb hole. It was really heartwarming for me to see the child so interested in the process. This girl had to get her own mittens for Christmas, despite the fact that here in England it isn’t really so cold in winter time, snow is rarely seen here and children are running around with jacket or coat buttons open rather than warmly wrapped in shawls, hats and mitts. So these mittens were born without any sort of rules to comply with and in the girl's favorite color - yellow.
The pattern is from
the Kihnu Roosi Käsitöökogu, pattern number 47.
It’s a beautiful pattern, but I couldn’t remember it; so I had to draw it up in Excel and follow it stitch by stitch.
It’s a beautiful pattern, but I couldn’t remember it; so I had to draw it up in Excel and follow it stitch by stitch.
My project page in Ravelry.
Nende pisikeste käpikute lugu sai alguse siis, kui ma eelmist
kindapaari kudusin. Väike Charlotte istus mu kõrval, aina imetles ja paitas
poolikuid kindaid: küll on ikka ilusad ja pehmed ja soojad ja palju paremad,
kui poest ostetud! Laps nägi esimest korda elus, kuidas kindaid kootakse. Ajas
näpuga mustris järge ja vaatas, kuidas mustast ruudukesest saab must silmus ja
valgest ruudukesest valge silmus. Pöidla kudumine tegi talle suurt rõõmu,
nähes, kuidas pöidla-auku kasvab pöial. Teeb ju südame soojaks, kui laps nii
siiralt huvi tunneb? See laps pidi ju jõuluks oma kindad saama, vaatamata
sellele, et siin Inglismaal eriti miinuskraade pole ja lapsed jooksevad pigem
hõlmad laiali ringi, kui soojalt sissemässitult. Nii need kindad sündisid, ilma
igasuguseid reegleid järgimata, neiu lemmikvärvi - kollased.
Muster pärit Kihnu Roosi Käsitöökogust, nr. 47.
Ilus muster, kuid meelde mulle mitte ei jäänud, pidin välja
joonistama ja järge ajama kogu aeg.
Lõnga ja vardainfo Ravelry's.