For these gloves I got inspiration from different sources but they are not all authentic. Firstly they are inspired by traditional patterned gloves from the island of Muhu in Estonia. Most of the patterns are from Alice Starmore’s Book of Fair Isle Knitting but the thistle and cornflower have been drawn by me. The gloves are for my daughter who is an Estonian living in Scotland. The thistle is the national flower of Scotland and the cornflower is the national flower of Estonia. Eight-pointed stars on wrists are believed to protect and give the power to the owner.
Total weight 79 g. Yarn I used is mostly Drops Alpaca + other leftover yarns.
Needles 1.5 mm.

Üldisi juhendeid sain Kristi Jõeste kindaraamatust. Alustasin kahevärvilise loodusega 72 silmaga vardail. Kudusin küll pahempidise rea ka, kuid äär kipub ikka üles keerama millegipärast. Vitsade kudumisel selgus hiljem, et vits 'istub madalalt' silmadel. Kuigi kudusin samapalju ridu nii enne kui pärast mustrikorda ei paigutu muster seetõttu vitsade vahel keskele. Et alpaca läheb kududes kergelt karvaseks, ei tahtnud harutada ka.
Lõnga kulus kokku 79 g, enamus Drops Alpaca + muud ülejäägid.
Vardad 1,5 mm.