Monday, 22 October 2012
Friday, 19 October 2012
In Cornwall 2.
On the second day of our vacation we took a walk from Seaton through Millendreath to Looe. All these places are pretty little fishing villages. Looking at the map it seemed to be only a couple of hours walk. In fact, it took us three hours going up hill and down dale. Taking time to enjoy the stunning views also extended the walk. The footpath was good being a part of the South West Coast Path, which has a total of 630 miles of stunning scenery!
Largest and most well-known village of three of them is Looe, with it's banjo-shaped Pier, beautiful tiny white cottages and small art and souvenir shops. Have to say we didn't see MacDonalds:) Instead of MacDonalds we got delicious fresh Cornish Pasty and nice coffee from lovely coffe shop.
Käidud külakestest suurim ja tuntuim on Looe, bandźo-kujulise muuliga, kaunite valgete majakeste ja pisikeste armsate poekestega. Ja MacDonalds'it polegi :) Selle asemel saime kohvipoekesest maitsvat värsket Cornwall'i pirukat Cornish Pasty.
For fish lovers I strongly recommend the restaurant Trawlers on the Quay. It is a cosy little restaurant, with good service, beautiful views and wonderful food. Excellent! Dare I say that this is the best food I have ever had? Reservations should be made in advance as it is very popular.
Kalasõpradele soovitan soojalt restorani Trawlers. Pisike hubane restoran, hea teenindus, kaunis vaade, võrratu toit. Suurepärane! Julgeks öelda, et parim maitseelamus :) Kohad tuleks igaks juhuks varem broneerida!
Friday, 12 October 2012
Autumn Leaves. Sügislehed.
Today I was going to continue with memories of my holiday in Cornwall, but I have finished my scarf so I will show you that instead. I have never knitted with such a fine yarn before and the KnitPro needles felt quite slippery and I struggled a bit at first. For the yarn I had one of 50 gr. skein of Malabrigo Lace and the needles are No. 3. When finished the scarf measured 35x122 cm. Free pattern Spring Leaves.
My project in Ravelry.
Mul oli plaanis jätkata puhkusemuljetega, kuid et sall sai valmis, venitatud ja pildistatud, näitan täna hoopis salli. Nii peenest lõngast salli ma polegi varem kudunud. KnitPro vardad tundusid väga libedad esialgu, hiljem harjusin. Tasuta muster Spring Leaves. Lõngaks oli üks 50 gr. tokk Malabrigo Lace, vardad nr 3. Valmis salli mõõtmed saki tippudest mõõdetult 35x122 cm.
Wednesday, 10 October 2012
Short vacation 1. Lühike puhkus 1.
... white cottage on a hillside, a million dollar view of the sea, completely out of the everyday world, even the lack of mobile phone communications ... Ahhh, I would like to return!
... valges majas, mäenõlval, miljoni-dollari-vaatega merele, täielikult välja lülitunud igapäevaelust, isegi mobiiliside puudus... Ahhh, tahaks tagasi!
Mount Brioni, Seaton, Cornwall
... valges majas, mäenõlval, miljoni-dollari-vaatega merele, täielikult välja lülitunud igapäevaelust, isegi mobiiliside puudus... Ahhh, tahaks tagasi!
Mount Brioni, Seaton, Cornwall
Monday, 1 October 2012
Mosaic slippers. Mosaiik sussid.
Knitting mosaic/slip stitch is a new technique for me however I quite enjoyed the process of learning how to knit and chart it.
Mosaic slippers are knitted toe-up.
The pattern is available in ENGLISH and GERMAN .
In Ravelry.
This pattern is for you personal use only and may not be reproduced or re-published for commercial use or offered for free distribution, sale or use for any other purpose without my express prior consent. Items that are made from these instructions may not be sold under any circumstances and the pattern may not be reproduced to teach classes or facilitate the sale of yarns or any other knitting products.
If anyone wishes to re-post this pattern, please be courteous enough to refer to my blog.

interested I can translate them to English later.
Needles: 3.5 mm
Yarn: Sirri 3 ply
Mõtet, kududa endale sussikesed, olen veeretanud juba tükk aega. Üldiselt ju kootud susside järele erilist vajadust pole, kuid näiteks hotellitoas võiks ju olla midagi varba otsa tõmmata. Või siis lihtsalt teleka ees istudes oma külmaks kippuvad jalad soojas hoida.
Mosaiik kudumine on minu jaoks uus tehnika, mille avastasin (loomulikult) Isetegijas ringi kolades. Tekkis mõte järgi proovida just susside kudumiseks, mis on piisavalt pisike töö katsetamiseks. Susside kudumisel sain proovida nii ringselt- kui ka edasi-tagasi mosaiigi kudumist. Töö käigu panin kirja ka. Seegi oli minu jaoks uudne protsess! Minu algelise sussimustri leiab Ravelryst.
Mustri kasutamisel palun viidata algallikale.
Olen väga huvitatud tagasisidest, et teha muster paremini arusaadavaks.
Head kudumist!
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