How are you coping with these uncertain and worrying times? I'm social-distancing. I try to find slots for home deliveries and avoid shopping, going out just for a walk once a day. Walking is still allowed in England. Luckily I don't need to go to work or home-schooling the kids. I'm quite content staying in with my freshly-baked muffins, coffee and knitting.
I've taken a break from mosaic knitting and working on an intarsia throw. Long-time readers might remember seeing something similar from years ago. I try to keep things in secret for now because I run a Mystery Knit-a-long in an Estonian knitting forum for this pattern. I look forward to seeing what colours will be chosen and how they manage knitting the throw. The most complicated thing about this project is managing the yarns. There are rather large areas worked in the same colour. I prefer knitting straight from the skeins, not bobbins. Juggling 6-9 colours per row might get bit messy, need to be careful.
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Kuidas te saate hakkama sel ebakindlal ja muret-tekitaval ajal? Ma püüan toidu koju tellida ja käia väljas ainult jalutamas kord päevas, hoides distantsi inimestega. Õnneks pole mul tarvis tööl käia ega kodus lapsi koolitada. Olen rahul oma värskelt küpsetatud muffinite, kohvi ja kudumisega.
Võtsin pausi mosaiik-kudumisest ja koon hoopis intarsiat. Mustrimaailmas algas salakudumine selle mustriga. Ootan põnevusega, kuidas tekikesed välja näevad erinevates värvikombinatsioonides. See on alati nii huvitav mulle, kui disainerile, näha oma tööd teiste kudujate silmade läbi. Huvitav on ka kuulda, kuidas/kas nad saavad hakkama töötades 6-9 lõngakeraga ühel real. Sasipusade teke on väga tõenäoline!