Saturday, 29 February 2020

What's On My Needles? Mis on varrastel?


The year 2020 is flying by and I haven't even looked back at 2019 or shared all new designs I have released. I try to do better!
I finished a mosaic knit shawl some weeks ago. The pattern is ready for test knitting very soon, hopefully, next week. The best way to get to know about new tests is to sign up as a test knitter in my Ravelry group, I send an earburn to testers first. If I still need more testers, I announce tests on Instagram and Newsletter.  Below is the first sneak peek to the new shawl. It's not blocked yet. Hope you get an idea. It's mosaic, fingering weight, colourful, knit in bias. 

I had some yarn left over from the shawl and it will become a series of mosaic knit sock patterns. The idea is to mix different motifs and colours, it's like doodling with yarn! It's going to be a fun way to use up leftover yarn. 
I've finished one pair already, and started another, on the photo below. I wasn't happy with this and ripped all back. New version is much better!
That's a brief overview of my current knits.
What's on your needles?

Aasta 2020 läheb lennates, kas pole? Ma ei ole isegi mahti saanud vaadata tagasi aastale 2019, ega pole näidanud kõiki uusi mustreid, mis valminud. Vaja end käsile võtta!
Täna räägin, mis hiljuti valminud, mis töös.
Mõni nädal tagasi sai valmis mosaiik koes sall, mida saab piiluda ülalt teisel fotol. See on kootud sokilõngast, mitmevärviline, diagonaalis. Rohkem infot tuleb õige varsti, kui testkudumise välja kuulutan. Parim viis uute testidega kursis olekuks on liituda Ravelry's mu testkudujate nimekirjaga. Kui sealt vajalikku arvu testijaid momendil pole võtta, kuulutan ka Instagrammis ja Uudiskirjas. 
Sallist jäi lõnga üle. Kasutan neid jääke uue sokimustrite seeria loomiseks. Segan kokku värve ja mustreid, nagu kritseldaks lõngadega. Päris lõbus on! Alati ei tule just nii välja, nagu ette kujutasin, siis tuleb harutada ka. Näiteks see sokipoolik ülaloleval fotol läks harutamisele. Uus algus on palju parem.
Selline on lühike ülevaade käsilolevatest kudumitest.
Mis on Sinu varrastel?

Wednesday, 19 February 2020

Snow Fence Cowl. Lumetõke.

I've been recently working with different types of yarns to try them out. I made a project in a "blown" yarn, where the fibres are blown in a tube. It makes the yarn so light and warm, very nice to work with. I can't show the project yet though. 
Next, I wanted to try a chain-type yarn. I picked three colours of Drops Sky, which is super soft, light and luxurious due to the tube-like chainette structure. I designed a fun mosaic pattern for a cowl. This pattern has quite a long floats on the wrong side, need to take care and leave them loose enough to keep the work from puckering. The cowl is worked as a tube, so all the floats are hidden inside and wouldn't disturb you at all. Mosaic knitting is a good beginners colorwork project as just one of the colours is worked per round. Make a perfect "unisex" winter accessory in no time at all! 

The Snow Fence cowl or scarf is a double-layered, warm and cozy winter accessory, protecting you against Arctic winds and snowstorms. You can work a cowl, moebius cowl or a scarf following this pattern. All the versions are knitted in rounds in mosaic stockinette stitch, creating a long tube. Three colours of yarn were used, swapping one out after each repeat. However, the cowl or scarf can be made using just two colours.

Vahel on tore proovida uusi, huvitavaid lõngu. Hiljuti kudusin Drops Air lõnga, mis on nn "puhutud" lõng. Ma ei saa seda projekti veel näidata, kunagi hiljem räägin pikemalt. Lõng oli meeldiv kududa, väga kerge ja soe.
Teine huvitav lõng Drops'ilt on Drops Sky, millest kudusin selle kaeluse. Ka see on kerge ja soe lõng, keti-sarnase struktuuriga. Kaeluse jaoks kasutasin kolme värvitooni. Muster on kootud mosaiik-koes, seega korraga on töös ainult üks värv. Kaks ringi ühe lõngaga, kaks ringi teisega, nii lihtne see mosaiik ongi! Kaelus on kootud nagu toru, ja lõpuks otsad kokku silmatud. Sama mustri järgi võib ka salli kududa. Kasutada võib ka ainult kaht värvi, ei pea kolm olema. Minu arvates on muster üsna "unisex", sobib nii naisele, kui ka mehele. Mustri nimeks on Snow Fence, vabas tõlkes Lumetõke. Sel aastal peaks vist hoopis ümber nimetama Tuule- või Tormitõkkeks?

Saturday, 8 February 2020

Quick gifts for Valentine's!

Are you looking for a quick last-minute Valentine's Day gift? A washcloth, spa cloth or a coaster is quick and fun to make. Use some left-over yarn from your stash and whip up several in time for Valentine's.
These three patterns sell usually for $3 each. Now you can get them just for $1 until February 13th. If you get all three of them, an additional -25% will apply! No coupon code needed, as the price is discounted already. Get the patterns for yourself and tell a friend too! You can even gift the pattern to a friend in Ravelry.
Eligible patterns:
Lipsy, Heart to Heart, My Little Heart. Patterns are listed as washcloth (not allowed several categories in Ravelry database) but you can make whatever you like, a coaster, spa cloth, even use as a blanket block!