What a great year it has been! Twenty finished projects doesn't sound much but I loved them all. I managed to publish 13 new patterns, two of them in webzine Knotions, my first third-party publications. Some projects are still waiting to be written to patterns, some more are halfway knit. My big project-of-the-year/s is not finished, haven't had enery for it recently, maybe next year.
Have a Happy New Year my fellow knitters and friends!
Suurepärane aasta jääb kohe seljataha. Kakskümmend lõpetatud kudumit pole just palju, kuid ma olen rahul ja õnnelik! Avaldasin 13 mustrit, ei usu isegi seda numbrit. Mitu mustrit ootab kirjapanekut, mõned kudumid on pooleli. Intarsia oli täiesti uus tehnika, ja palju muudki sai õpitud. Teekond jätkub!
Head uut kudu-aastat!