It is the time of year again to knit some squares to support
the annual tradition of the Estonian handicraft forum, Isetegija, to knit a
throw made up of the squares. This throw is for Mother of the Year. Everyone can contribute two squares for the throw, however
not many knitters have taken part this year so I have knitted four squares
instead. The throw will be awarded on Mother’s day which in Estonia is in May.
It is fun and quite fast knitting squares for this project
and every year I try a new pattern otherwise I wouldn’t knit. The square is the right size for a swatch and helps as I
browse through my pattern books and internet sources to find something
different this year.
For more information please see Ravelry.
Jälle on aeg kududa lapikesi, et valmistada lapitekk Aasta Emale kingituseks ja tänuks
Isetegija foorumi rahva poolt. Kahjuks on sel aastal kudujaid vähevõitu, seega kudusin kahe lapi asemel neli. Lappide kudumine läheb üsna kiiresti ja põnev on ka. Püüan alati leida uusi mustreid, mida kududa. Lappan oma mustriraamatuid ja otsin ideid netist. Ilma selle projektita ma ilmselt ei kooks mõnda mustrit kunagi. Tahaks ju mustriraamatutest kududa nii mõndagi ja tekilapp on just paras proovimaks :)
Lapid on kootud vardail nr 2,75 mm, silmuste arv 41-42, olenevalt mustrist.