this year’s vacation we unfortunately had to wait until the last week of
September. However Mallorca indulged us with temperatures of 26 to 28 degrees,
warm seas and delicious food.
opportunity to explore the island thoroughly didn’t arise as the temperatures
didn’t allow us to stray too far; however on one day we did take a walk to the
old town of Alcudia, an ancient walled town which reminded me a bit of old
Tallinn with its narrow streets and city walls, just in a lighter colour.
Selleaastane suvepuhkus jõudis kätte alles septembri lõpus. Mallorca hellitas meid 26-28 kraadise palavuse, sooja merevee ja maitsva toiduga. Saarega tutvumine jäi napiks, sest sellise palavusega ei kutsu eriti ringi käima. Siiski võtsime ükspäev ette jalutuskäigu Alcudia vanalinna, mis meenutas natuke Tallinna oma kitsaste tänavate ja linnamüüriga, ainult et märksa heledamates värvitoonides.

one day during the holiday we took an organised trip which included amongst
other locations a visit to the Majorica Pearl Factory at Manacor where we were
promised an opportunity to see the production of cultured pearls. What we actually
saw was not pearls being extracted from oyster shells but ‘pearls’ being
manufactured from start to finish. The famous Mallorca pearls are actually
glass beads which are dipped in a ‘secret’ pearl essence – made from shells to
form the pearl like texture. In a demonstration, we saw one lady making the
glass beads from opalescent glass, another sorting the pearls ready for
stringing and a third knotting pearl necklaces. The rest of the exhibition area
was just two floors of a shopping opportunity to buy fake pearl jewellery.
Advertising offered the opportunity to buy organic pearls but there was nothing
in the process we saw that would suggest these are nothing but manufactured

Teisel päeval võtsime ette reisi idarannikule ja koobastesse. Esimene peatus
tehti Manacor’i pärlivabrikus. Lubati näidata pärlite tootmist. Lootsin näha,
kuidas pärle austrikarpidest välja nopitakse, kuid pidin pettuma. Kuulsad
Mallorca pärlid on tegelikult klaaspärlid, mis kaetakse salajase meetodiga
merekarpidest saadud pärli sarnase kihiga. Tootmise poolelt oli näha üks naine,
kes sulatas oonüksklaasist pulgast pärle, teine ajas juba pärlikihiga kaetud
pärle nööri otsa ja kolmas sõlmis keesid. Ülejäänud osa kahest korrusest oli
(võlts-) pärlipood. Reklaam lubas orgaanilisi pärle, kuid ju oli trükiviga, sest
tegemist on mitte-orgaaniliste pärlitega nagu kirjas ka
The next stop on
this tour for us was a visit to the Dragon Caves or Cuevas del Drach nd these
are really worth a visit. Majorca has a number of these caves but this one is
the most popular.
A 1.2 km downwards
walk through large and small caves and lots of stalagmites and stalactites leads
to Europe’s largest underground lake where we were treated to a classical music
concert performed by musicians on illuminated boats followed by a trip on a
boat across the lakes to the point of departure where we climbed out of the
The only downside
to this experience was the number of visitors particularly the ones who ignored
the request not to take photos or video during the classical concert.
Mallorca is a
real tourist island that has a population of 980,000 of which approximately 95%
are associated with tourism.
There is really
no other industry and they import almost everything and during the height of
the holiday season there are 10,000,000 visitors per week to the island meaning
there is a ratio per capita of 10:1.
Edasi läks sõit koobastesse. Koopaid on Mallorcal rohkesti.
Cuevas del Drach,
on tõesti väärt külastamist! 1,2 kilomeetrine jalutuskäik
koobastes täis miljoneid stalaktiite ja stalakmiite jõuab välja Euroopa suurima
maa-aluse järveni. Järvel liuglevad valgustatud paadid ja kostab klassikaline
muusika. Lõpuks saime ka ise teha lühikese paadisõidu järvel. Imeline kogemus!
Ainsaks segavaks teguriks oli inimeste rohkus, eriti kui nad ei saanud aru, et oli keelatud t a pilti kontserdi ajal.
Mallorca on tõeline turismisaar. 95% elanikest on seotud turismitööstusega. Neil peaaegu et puudub muu tööstus, kõike imporditakse. Tipp-hooajal saabub saarele 10 miljonit turisti nädalas, st 10 turisti iga elaniku kohta!
the vacation I sewed two dresses
and a skirt from jersey fabric and I am so happy I had bought an over-locking
sewing machine, one of the best
purchases I’ve made.
For sleeveless dress I used the under
dress pattern, number 128 from Burda Style
magazine 6/2013.
The yoke dress pattern is from Burda Style
9/2013 number 135
and the skirt is simply cut using another skirt as a template.
Puhkuse tarbeks õmblesin endale trikotaaźist kaks kleiti ja
seeliku. Oi, ma olen rahul, et overlocki ostsin, üks parimaid oste J
. Varem olen tavamasinaga trikotaaźi õmmelnud küll, saab ju hakkama sik-saki
või nn vale-overlock pistega õmmeldes, kuid overlockiga on tunduvalt mugavam ja
Varrukateta kleidi jaoks kasutasin aluskleidi lõiget nr.
128, Burda Style 6/2013.
Passega kleidi lõige on Burda Style 9/2013 nr. 135.
Seeliku passe lõikasin vaba käega välja teise seeliku järgi,
alumina osa sirge, lõhikuga küljel.