This is the second Echo Flower pattern shawl I have knitted using the same needles and the same yarn. The first shawl had a sharp point to the apex as I knitted it using a modification made by Meka. The second scarf is knitted using the original pattern. When stretched out, the shape of shawls look slightly different. I think that is due to me using a different tension, probably tighter, when I knitted the first half of the first shawl.
The dimensions are 170 x 85 cm.
Austermann Merino Lace yarn, which took 50 g.
Kudusin teise Echo Flower salli veel. Lõng ja vardad samad, ainult salli tipp on erinev. Esimesel sallil on terav tipp, mis on kootud Meka poolt muudetud skeemi järgides, Teine sall on originaali järgi kootud.
Venitusel ilmnes sallide erinev kuju. Ju see on tingitud minu pahast kalduvusest kududa algul normaalselt, ja kui muster juba rohkem käpas, hakkan lõdvemalt laskma. Ma ju püüdsin ühtlaselt kududa, aga ikka!
Mõõtmed 170 x 85 cm.
Lõng: Autermann Merino Lace, 50 g.
Vardad 4 mm.