But one Centre Court spectator had other important matters on her mind – her pink knitting... ' ... starts out an article in Daily Mail. Isn't it quite rude to hunt her now!? Loads of support and positive response on Knitty's Facebook site :) Knit designer Annie Modesitt: IF/When she goes public, I'd love to offer her any of my patterns that she'd like - just as a 'you GO girl!' for representin' at the W.
Milline pühaduseteotus, kududa Wimbledonis, kui Andy Murray mängib! Lausa nõiajaht käib identifitseerimaks kudujat. Loomulikult on ka palju toetajaid, näiteks Knitty Facebook'is. Hmm, kõik tunduvad igavlevat, tema vähemalt koob! :)