I love Japanese patterns and top-down seamless knitting. I have had an urge to knit a very light mohair sweater for some time, and I have wanted to knit a round yoke as well, so in this sweater I had the opportunity to try both. Originally the pattern was for a sleeveless top but I wanted sleeves so I decided to add them. The neckline turned out quite to be wide, so I picked up the stitches on smaller needles, knitted one row and cast off tightly. For the bottom edge I used double crochet cast off to make it elastic.
I have to point out that this yarn sheds fibres and stretches! After wearing the sweater for a while the black top I was wearing underneath was covered with hair and the sweater had stretched (which was good as it turned out to be a bit tight at first). I hope that it's not going to stretch too much!
Yarn: Sublime Yarns Kid Mohair Blend 6 skeins
Needles: 4 mm
In Ravelry: Smokie

Selles sviitris said kokku nii mu armastus Jaapani mustrite ja ülalt-alla ühes tükis kudumise vastu, soov omada kerget mohäärsviitrit, kui ka soov kududa ringset passet. Originaalis on see varrukateta top, seega natuke omaloomingut sai ka lisatud. Natuke olin hädas lõpetamisega, kuna ka väga lõdvalt tehtud kokkuvõte jäi kitsas ja venimatu. Lahenduseks oli heegeldades lõpetamine, pehme ja elastne. Lõnga kohta peab ütlema, et ajab karvu ja venib. Kuna sviiter oli üsna ümber peale valmimist, siis väike venimine tuleb kasuks :) Loodan, et liiga palju ei veni!
Lõng: Sublime Yarns Kid Mohair Blend 6 tokki
Vardad: 4 mm
Ravelry's: Smokie