Monday 13 October 2014

Lovely Beads from Blakemere Craft Village. Lihtsad kõrvarõngad.

Time and time again I have travelled past the Blakemere Craft Village and always think to myself that one day, I will turn in and have a look.
Recently I finally had the chance to check it out and after having a look round what I have to say is ‘more crafts please’.
Some years ago I visited a candle store in a small Danish village which was completely filled with locally made candles of different shapes and scents. There was a workshop where visitors could dip their own candles in the permanently hot cauldron of paraffin wax.
Unfortunately in Blakemere there was just a Yankee Candle outlet.

Fortunately I did manage to see one real artisan who was working in the craft village and selling his output. Ray from the Glass Beadand Marble workshop made these colourful beads which have become my new earrings.
I also got the hematite pendants from Ray, the lovely elephants and the long wavy ones to which I have added white beads (actually, these are buttons from Coats).

There is a lovely coffee shop on the site in which we had lovely coffee and a huge slice each of coffee and walnut cake. The coffee was served in cute cups and saucers from the PiP Studio Collection range of goods which the coffee shop stocks and sells.

Ikka ja jälle olen mööda sõitnud Blakemere Craft Village teeviidast, mõeldes, et järgmine kord keeran sisse ja vaatan, mis seal käsitöökülas huvitavat on. Lõpuks sain küla oma silmaga üle vaadatud. Kokkuvõtteks ütleks, et rohkem käsitööd paluks. 

Kunagi käisin Taanis mingis külas asuvas küünlapoes. Pood oli kohapeal valmistatud erikujulisi küünlaid täis, kõrvalruumis pada kuuma parafiiniga, kus sai ise küünalt kasta. Siinses küünlapoes müüdi lihtsalt Yankee küünlaid. 

Üht tõsist käsitöölist ikka nägin, kes kohapeal töötas ja oma toodangut müüs. See oli Ray oma The Glass Bead & Marble töötoas klaashelmeid valmistamas. Tema toodangu hulgast on pärit need värvikirevad klaashelmed, millest said mu uued kõrvarõngad. Samast poekesest on pärit ka need hematiidist elevandikesed ja lainekujulised hematiit ripatsid, mille juurde lisasin helmed, mis on tegelikult hoopis nööbid Coats'ilt. 

Pisikest kohvikut ei saa ka mainimata jätta. No kas pole armsad kohvitassid? Tegelikult see ongi kohvik ja PiP Studio poeke koos, ja nõud kuuluvad PiP Studio kollektsiooni. 

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