Thursday 9 October 2014

Knitwear Exhibition. Näitusemuljeid.

During the summer an advert for an upcoming exhibition of knitwear caught my eye. Called Knitwear – Chanel to Westwood, it was being held in the London Fashion and Textile Museum.
The title referred to knitwear in high fashion from the worlds catwalks.
Fortunately I had a need to go to London so I was able to schedule a visit to the Museum.
During my visit I discovered that the exhibits are from the private collection of Mark and Cleo Butterfield (some of the pictures are from their blog).
I have to admit that my expectations were a bit greater than what was exhibited as I was not expecting to see items sewn from knit fabric. There was also hand knitted items on show.
However the display of colourful fair-isle patterned vests are certainly worth seeing but I was hoping to find a bit more inspiration for my new knits.

Much more interesting was an exhibition called Visionary Knitwear which was on at the same time. It was a showcase of bold visions of contemporary fashion knitwear celebrating the work of new British graduate designers and gave them an opportunity to let their fantasies fly.

There are some pictures I have taken (below Estonian text), however the pictures are a bit poor as I took them on my phone.

Suvel jäi silma kuulutus Londoni Moe- Ja Tekstiilimuuseumis avatavast kudumite näitusest, Kudumid Chanel'ist Westwoodini. Pealkiri viitas kõrgmoele ja maailma moelavadele. Kui nüüd tekkis vajadus Londonis käia, võtsin kohe näituse ka päevaplaani. Üllatusena leidsin, et näituse eksponaadid on pärit Mark ja Cleo Butterfield'i erakogust (fotod ülal nende blogist). Kahetsusega nendin, et mu ootused olid märksa kõrgemad. Trikotaaźist õmmeldud esemeid poleks oodanud näha. Ka käsitsi kootud esemed olid esindatud. Vitriinitäis värviküllaseid kirjatud fairisle veste on imetlemist väärt. Lootsin leida rohkem inspiratsiooni ja ideid uuteks kudumiteks.

Huvitavaks osutus aga kaasnev näitus Visionäärsed kudumid, millest mõned võtted allpool.  Pildid on küll kehvad, telefoniga tehtud. 
Eskponeeritud on Suurbritannias tekstiilialase koolituse saanud disainerite loomingut. Tööd on teostatud käsikudumismasinal. Fantaasial on lastud lennata :)

Julien MacDonald, Utopia beaded dress

Alice Palmer, Vertigo collection

Iben Høj, Kraka dress

Julien MacDonald, Utopia beaded dress
Rory Longdon, Stitch transfer zip dress

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