Tuesday 16 April 2019

What's On My Needles? Mis on varrastel?

My recent posts have been about mosaic knitting. I love how easy it is to knit, love to play with colors and create charts. Mosaic socks are finished and blocked, the pattern needs some final touches, test knit is going well. It's time to get ready for the pattern release.

Meantime I decided to use up the leftover yarn from socks and knit a pair of my Bouquet Fingerless Mitts for charity. When I started to work with Katia Seta Tweed yarn I wasn't sure I like it, it's rustic, not very smooth and no elasticity due to silk content. After washing the socks I love the yarn much more, now it's smoother and so soft! 

On the third photo are all the mosaic blocks I've knit so far. Aren't they cute all together? There are two slightly different Butterfly patterns. I'll post the charts soon and write about how I experimented knitting them. 

What is your favourite project out of three? What you would like to know more about these projects?

Nagu näed, olen ikka veel mosaiik mustrite lainel. Neid on lihtne kududa, huvitav on katsetada värvikombinatsioone ja luua uusi skeeme. Mosaiiksokid on valmis, pestud ja venitatud. Testkudumine edeneb jõudsalt. Veel veidi, ja saab mustri Ravelrysse üles laadida.

Sokikudumisest jäi lõnga üle, sellest koon oma Lillekimbu mustrilisi sõrmituid Mustrimaailma heategevuse jaoks. Kui Katia Seta Tweed lõngast sokke hakkasin kuduma, polnud ma kindel, kuidas see lõnga mulle meeldib, kuidagi vähe elastne ja ebaühtlane. Peale pesu on lõng palju ühtlasem ja pehmem, meeldib hulga rohkem. 

Kolmandal fotol on kõik siiani valminud piltmustritega lapid koos. Armas, kas pole? Liblikamustrit pole ma veel blogisse lisanud, tuleb varsti. Kirjutan hiljem pikemalt, mis lugu nende liblikatega oli.

Mis on Sinu lemmik projekt neist kolmest? Millest tahaksid rohkem teada?

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