How many times I've promised myself to get better at blogging and how many times I've failed? I would like to share my progress more often, not just share finished objects. It was easier before, when blogs were more popular and people used to comment posts. Nowadays most of readers are moved to Facebook or Instagram, hardly any comments here, in blog. Sometimes I think does anybody still reads or cares what I blog about? Oh well, I still carry on, I think... Or what do you think?
The actual reason I post today, are these socks. I never knitted ankle socks before and wanted to give it a go. I picked a small lace pattern and combined it with reverse stockinette stitch on toes, heels and gussets, so the smooth stockinette fabric is caressing your sensitive skin. I started to work on pink socks on a train trip to Paris, having just brief notes with me. I was nearly done with the first sock when I realised, I read the lace chart wrong! That's why I knit up another pair. The pattern contains several different options how to work the lace. 1 patter = 4 different looks! A simple scalloped edge adds interest, like a strawberry on a cake, and allows the edge be stretchy.
Love my little socks! That's what Sokikesed mean in Estonian, little cute socks :)
Love my little socks! That's what Sokikesed mean in Estonian, little cute socks :)
Iga kord, kui blogin, luban endale olla tublim ja postitada sagedamini. Ikka läheb kuidagi teisiti. Varem oli blogimine populaarsem, see lisas indu. Nüüd on elu kolinud Facebooki või Instagrami, keegi enam blogisid ei kommenteeri. Kas üldse loetaksegi? No ma (veel) ei lõpeta blogimist. Vist...
Tegelikult tulin hoopis Sokikestest blogima. Ma polegi varem selliseid pisikesi suvesokikesi kudunud. Tahtsin teha midagi teisiti, kui tavaliselt. Seekord siis kannad-varbad pahempidikoes, nii on sile parempidine pind vastu nahka. Alustasin roosadest sokkidest rongisõidul. Üks sokk oli pea valmis, kui märkasin, et olin pitsimustrit valesti lugenud. Sai selline pisike kribu muster. Pole viga, kudusin teise paari veel. Nüüd on üks muster, mitu võimalust! Väikesed vallatud lained muudavad serva venivaks. Kootud ikka minu lemmikviisi, alustades varbast. Mõnusad sokid said!
I am here! I am a blog-reader! And also a blog-writer at
ReplyDeleteDear Readers, you have to understand that any info in FB is last in a short time and nobody writes so good articles there as on a blog!
If you moved to FB etc., you did yourself an "un-favor" because you loose all lovely articles and posts!
Cheers, Connie
Hi Connie, nice to hear from you! I have to admit I don't read and comment blogs as much myself. I lost my track when my laptop crashed. I still love blogs the same reason as you. Information gets lost in FB.
ReplyDeleteTere! Nii nunnud sokid! Ma vist polegi varem näinud selliseid käsitsi kootud väikesi madalaid suvesokke, nii et värske idee minu jaoks.
ReplyDeleteMa väga loodan, et blogimine ja eriti käsitöö/õmblus-blogimine ei sure välja. Facebookis inimesed postitavad ainult pilte koos paarisõnaliste kommentaaridega, pikemate lugude jagamiseks Facebook ei sobi.
Tere, Maris! Mulle ka meeldib lugeda pikemalt. Facebooki ja Instagrammi sirvin läbi, laigin, vahel kirjutan mõne sõna, ja ongi kõik.
ReplyDeleteSuvesokke pole minagi varem kudunud. Ma pole veel oma sokke kandnud, ei tea, kuidas meeldib.