Sunday, 25 June 2017

Knitted Work of Art. Kootud kunstiteos.

Once upon a time two young people lived in their very modern home. One day the girl's mum visited them and on that visit she had seen the boy's granny's art exhibition catalogue on a shelf. The girl's mum, who was a passionate knitter, looked at the paintings and thought, what amazing works of art; modern, geometric, with clean lines, colours, shapes and proportions working together.  The mum thought the paintings  would make a great knitting pattern!

As time went by, the mum was going to visit them again and she wanted to make a gift for them. She decided to knit one of his granny's works of art. She searched for images, picked one which was a bit less complicated as she had not knitted intarsia before. She drew up the schematics, stitch by stitch, picked colours and then knitted and knitted, day and night. She worked from up to eight skeins at the same time. The mum's living room looked like there had been an explosion in a yarn store.

After some time she was ready to present the gift to the girl and boy.

Project in Ravelry.

Elasid kord Noormees ja Neiu oma kaunis kaasaegses kodus. Ühel päeval tuli neile külla Neiu Ema. Ta nägi riiulil Noormehe Vanaema kunstikataloogi. Neiu Ema, kes oli kirglik kuduja, vaatas maale ja mõtles, mis imelised maalid, modernsed, geomeetrilised, puhtad jooned, värvid, kujundid. Ma tahaksin kududa mõnd maali, mõtles Neiu Ema.

Aeg möödus, ja Emal oli jälle plaanis külla minna. Ta otsustas kududa pleedi Noormehe Vanaema maali järgi. Ta valis välja ühe maali, mil oli veidi vähem detaile ja värve. Ta polnud varem intarsias kudunud. Ta tegi valmis skeemi, silmus silmuse haaval, sobitas jooni ja värve. Siis ta kudus ja kudus, lõngakerad laual reas, korraga kuni kaheksa tükki. Koduste arvates nägi elamine välja, nagu oleks lõngapoes plahvatus toimunud. Ühel päeval oli kingitus valmis üleandmiseks.

Projekt Ravelrys.

 This design is based on painting by Patricia Poullain.