Sunday 29 June 2014

Drooping Elm Sock Pattern.

I started to knit a pair of socks from the Drooping Elm pattern and had doubts about it as it might contain an error (first chart). Overall, the chart looks a bit confusing and there is no overview of how the leaf pattern is formed. I found the same stitch pattern from the Stitch-Maps web page (second chart). It's nice to see how the leaves are flowing. I also found errors in row 9 stitch 11; has to be ssk instead of k2tog, and two purl stitches are also missing. 

Drooping Elm Leaf by Barbara G. Walker   Published in   A Treasury of Knitting Patterns

Hakkasin kuduma Drooping Elm sokke ja tekkis kahtlus, et skeemis (vt ülemine) võib olla viga. Üldse näeb muster segane välja, ei teki ülevaadet, kuidas lehemuster moodustub. Leidsin sama koemustri Stitch-Maps lehelt (vt alumine). Ilusasti näha, kuidas lehekesed voogavad. Ja vead leidsin ka üles. Rida 9 silmus 11 peab olema kokkuvõte vasakule, ning kaks pahempidist silmust on samuti puudu. 

Saturday 28 June 2014

Sentimental. Sentimentaalne.

Some things will always hold sentimental value. When I found this pincushion among my old haberdashery, I had forgotten I had it. My daughter was nearly ten when she gave it to me as a Mother's Day gift. She probably made it at school and on the back is written in a child's hand; "My mother's eyes will melt the snow," from K to Mum, 12 May 1995 - almost two decades already!

Mõni asi omab sentimentaalset väärtust. Selle nõelapadja leidsin oma õmblustarvete hulgast, olin ta juba unustanud. Mu tütar oli just kümneseks saamas, kui kinkis selle mulle emadepäevaks. Ilmselt tegi selle koolis. Tagaküljele on lapse käega kirjutatud: "Minu ema silme ees sulab ka lumi", K.-lt Emmele, 12. mai 1995. Seega vanust pea kaks aastakümmet juba!

Monday 23 June 2014

Are You Aware of Craftsy Free Mini Classes? Kas tead, et Craftsy mini-klassid on tasuta?

I am sure most of you are well aware of Craftsy. I recently discovered their free mini classes. I have watched two of them, Sewing Machine Feet and Creative Cabled Necklines and loved both them.

I will definitely watch most of the free mini classes and probably take some paid ones later. It is great way to learn new skills any time since they never expire.

Have you taken an online class from Craftsy?

Usutavasti oled teadlik Craftsy'st. Hiljuti avastasin Craftsy miniklassid, mis on päris tasuta. Olen juba vaadanud tundi, mis tutvustab erinevaid õmblusmasina jalgu. Praegu on palmikuliste kaeluste tunni vaatamine pooleli. Naudin mõlemat.

Palju põnevat on veel vabalt saadaval, kindlasti vaatan enamiku ära. Hiljem ehk võtan mõne tasulise kursuse. Boonuseks on, et  kursus ei aegu, võid vaadata ja õppida igavesti. 

Kas oled Craftsy kasutaja?

Hmm, mitte ei saa seda postitust korda ...

Saturday 21 June 2014

Sneak Preview of the Cuffs. Varrukaotsad.

The sleeves are ready now but I need to knit a little more body length. Until I finish the cardigan here is a sneak peek of the cuffs.
 I weighed up the different options, rib, a different  lace for cuffs or a turned edge. Finally, I decided to continue with the same pattern in a slightly modified formI knitted a stocking stitch zigzag to twisted rib and the lace between zigzags I knitted in garter stitch.

Kuni tervet kampsunit pole ette näidata, vaatame jupikaupa ;)
Varrukad on valmis, nüüd vaja veel veidi kehaosa pikkusesse kududa. Seniks paar piilupilti varruka otstele. Kaalusin erinevaid variante, soonikut, teistsugust äärepitsi, pööratud serva. Lõpuks otsustasin jätkata sama mustriga veidi muudetud kujul: parempidises koes siksaki kudusin keerdsilmustega soonikuks ja vahepealse pitsiosa kudusin ripskoes.

Tuesday 17 June 2014

Knit-in Button Band. Külgekootud nööbiliist.

I guess that in every other knitting-related post, I have mentioned that I like to knit from the top down and on this occasion I did the same. I cast on the stitches for the back and knitted down to the base of the underarms. I then picked up the stitches for the right shoulder however there was a small problem. I have not knitted many buttoned items and this time I wanted to knit the attached button bands in one go. I tried to google to see if I could find some instructions, but, interestingly, wasn’t much to find. If anyone knows of any link to read I would be interested.
So I decided to invent my own methods, and knit a button band in garter stitch with 3-stitch slipped stitch edging (SSE). I got this idea for SSE from the Knitterfrei blog, thank you for sharing!
Please look at my photos for my progress.
If you are interested to read more about my method please feel free to leave a comment and I will translate the description.

Ma vist igas teises kudumisega seotud postituses mainin, et mulle meeldib ülevalt alla kududa. Egas ma sellest meetodist seekordki üle ega ümber saanud. Seega lõin selja laiuse jagu silmi üles ja kudusin seljatüki kuni kaenlaaluseni. Seejärel võtsin vardale parema õla jagu silmuseid. Ja tekkis väike problem. Ma olen vähe eest nööbitavaid kampsuneid kudunud. Tahtsin seekord nööbiliistu kohe külge kududa. Asusin googeldama, kuid huvitaval kombel eriti midagi leida polnudki. Kui keegi teab mõnd linki, loeks huviga.
Nii siis leiutasin oma meetodi ja otsustasin kududa nööbiliistu ripskoes, kolmesilmuselise ületõstetud silmustega servaga. Serva idee sain Knitterfrei blogist, tänud jagamast!
Kolmesilmuseline ületõstetud silmustega serv:
Paremal pool: K1, lõng töö ette ja libista 1 s kudumata paremale vardale, lõng tagasi töö taha ja K1.
Vasemal pool: lõng töö ees libista 1 s paremale vardale, lõng töö taha ja K1, lõng tagasi ette ja
libista 1 s paremale vardale.
Nööbiliistu kudumine.
Kudusin parema õla esimese rea kuni kaelaavani. Rea lõpul lõin üles seitse silmust nööbiliistu jaoks. Tagasireal 1 pahemp, 1 paremp, 1 pahemp, 4 paremp.
Edasi lähebki nööbiliist nii, et neli silmust ripskoes, kolm äärmist serva kudumise võttega.
Googeldamise käigus leidsin soovituse kasutada nööbiliistul lühendatud ridasid, et ühtlustada parempidist pinda ja ripskude, sest ripskude tõmbab pinna kokku. Kudusin igal 6.-l real lühendatud read. Praegu näeb ühtlane välja. Alles nüüd hakkasin mõtlema, et näiteks Haapsalu sallil on ju ka ripskoeline serv, kuid ei ole lühem ega jää kiskuma? Või on asi sellest, et salli venitatakse üsna tublisti?
Kui parem hõlm oli kaenlaaluseni kootud, alustasin vasaku hõlma kudumist. Selleks tuli kõigepealt kududa kaelusekant/nööbiliist ka kaeluse taha. Korjasin üles seitse silmust, mille olin üles loonud paremat nööbiliistu alustades ja lisaks veel ühe silmuse, kokku 8 silmust. Kudusin kaelusekandi seljatüki külge. Selleks kudusin kaheksanda silmuse kokku kaelakaarel ootel oleva silmusega.  

Nööpaugud koon kahekordse õhksilmuse meetodil.
Rida 1: Koo kuni nööpauguni, 2 s paremp kokku, 2x õhksilmus, 2 s ületõstmisega kokku.
Rida 2: Koo õhksilmused nii: koo esimene õs parempidi, koo teine õs keeruga.
Päris keeruline jutt tuli. Mis teie arvate külgekootud nööbiliistust?


Saturday 14 June 2014

Canal Walk on Saturday. Laupäev kanalikaldal.

One cannot beat a nice walk by the canal side in nice sunny weather on a day off looking on boats passing by ...

Mida teha, kui juhtub olema vaba päev ja  ilus ilm? Ilmselt üks parimaid valikuid on jalutuskäik kanalikaldal, imetledes mööduvaid kanalipaate...
 ... and pretty cottages by the canal side.

... ja armsaid majakesi kanali kaldal.
 Some boats are nicely decorated...

Mõned paadid on kaunilt ehitud...
... just look at that tiny painted barrel on the roof...

...vaata vaid seda pisikest maalitud vaadikest katusel...
... or that other one. Cute :)

... ja teinegi. Kas pole armas?
 ... some of them have flowers on the roof...

Mõne paadi katusel on lillekastid...
 ... some have groceries growing all around...

... mõni kasvatab supirohelist.
 ... some are old and abandoned...

Mõni paat on väga vana ja näib, et mahajäetud...
 ... but still have nice curtains. Isn't it a nice pattern for file crochet?

... kuid siiski on ilusad pitskardinad akna eest. Päris kaunid filee kardinad saaks heegeldada selle mustri järgi :)

Thursday 12 June 2014

What is on My Knitting Needles? Mis on varrastel?

Currently I’m working on a summer cardigan which I am knitting with an interesting hemp-cotton-viscose blend yarn, which I bought on a spring-time trip to Copenhagen. Before the trip I searched the internet for information about the yarn shops there. Walking around and looking for the shops it turned out that some of the shops had ceased trading and some had moved. I noticed that in Denmark yarn stores open relatively late and are often closed some days in a week. On my last day in Copenhagen I planned to use the Danish money I had left  to spend in a yarn store. On arriving in Denmark the previous Friday whilst walking along Vesterbrogade I saw four or five yarn stores.  On Tuesday, when I wanted to buy yarn, the only one that was open was the  Therese Garn store. This is a strange little shop. On the street in front of the shop there are piles of yarns in baskets, like in many yarn shops in Denmark. However upon entering the shop it seemed I had run into yarn jungle! In a relatively small room all the walls are covered from floor to ceiling with shelves full of yarn, and that's not all! In front of shelves on the floor lay stacks of yarn packages waist high! From these chaotic piles of different yarns, I managed to dig out some exciting finds. I noticed, for example,  lot of products from the Danish company, Onion yarns. I chose from shelves different yarns, but on several occasions it appeared that the desired quantity wasn’t available. The final decision fell in favour of the turquoise-blue hemp yarn from Onion brand because summer's coming.
When I started to knit the yarn felt a bit stiff and rope-like between my fingers, and I was afraid that fingers might get sore. However, already halfway through the first skein was that feeling lost, as the yarn becomes increasingly softer. It is pleasant to knit.
I very rarely, when I'm knitting, follow a written pattern. Mostly I design my own garments. I had a vision of what I would like to knit and started to go through pattern books, looking for something interesting and a new for me stitch pattern. I chose a pattern from the book "Omas Strickgeheimnisse", p. 167. The pattern reminded me of sails. However on knitting the pattern I found that the yarn and the pattern does not work well together. The pattern is knitted on each row and there is yarn-overs in a back row as well. I didn’t like too much how single strand ladders were created. Obviously, this pattern fits better for wool than cotton. What do you think?
I have chosen another pattern, zig-zag’s (no. 41), from Burda patterns collection, Russian edition of "Volshebnõi Klubok". Thanks for the book to Martaberta.
The story will continue by me displaying some of the (new to me) knitting techniques I used.

Praegu on käsil suvise kampsuni kudumine huvitavast kanepi-puuvilla-viskoosi segusest lõngast, mille ostsin kevadisel Kopenhaageni-reisil. Enne reisi otsisin netist infot lõngapoodide kohta. Kohapeal selgus, et mõni pood oli tegutsemise lõpetanud, mõni kolinud. Taani lõngapoodide puhul on silma jäänud, et avatakse suhteliselt hilja ja tihti on pood nädala sees mõnel päeval hoopis suletud. Viimasel päeval oli plaan järelejäänud raha lõngapoodi jätta. Reedel mööda Vesterbrogade’t jalutades nägin nelja-viit lõngapoodi. Teisipäeval, kui lõnga tahtsin osta, oli ainult  Therese Garn avatud. See on üks pisut kummaline pood. Välisukse ees tänaval on lõngakuhjad korvides ootel nagu vist kõigis Taani lõngapoodides. Sisenedes aga tundus, et olen sattunud lõngadźunglisse! Väikese ruumi seinad on kaetud maast laeni riiulitega täis lõnga, ja see pole veel kõik! Riiulite ees põrandal on kuhjade viisi lõngapakke. Kuhjad ulatuvad vööni, kui mitte rinnuni. Sealt ma siis kaevasin välja üha põnevamaid lõngu. Silma jäi näiteks Taani firma Onion lõngad. Valisin riiulilt välja järjest uusi lõngu, kuid mitmel puhul selgus, et soovitud kogust ei ole. Lõplik otsus langes Onion’i türkiis-sinise  kanepilõnga kasuks, sest suvi ju tulemas.
Kuduma hakates tundus lõng sõrmede vahel jäik ja nöörilaadne, kartsin, et sõrmed jäävad valusaks. 
Kuid  juba esimese toki poolepeal oli see tunne kadunud, nagu muutuks lõng järjest pehmemaks. Meeldiv on kududa.
Väga harva, kui ma koon etteantud õpetuse järgi, rohkem ikka omast peast. Seekordki oli idee olemas. Lappasin mustriraamatuid otsides mõnd huvitavat ja uudset mustrit, mida kududa. Valisin mustri raamatust “Omas Strickgeheimnisse”, lk. 167. Pildil olev muster meenutas purjesid. Kuduma hakates leidsin, et see lõng ja muster koos ei tööta hästi. Mustrit kootakse igal real, ka tagasireal on õhksilmused, ja nii moodustuvad lõngajooksud häirisid mind. Ilmselt sobib see muster paremini mõne elastsema, villasema lõngaga. Mida arvate?
Uueks mustriks valisin sik-sakid (nr. 41) venekeelsest Burda mustrite kogumikust “Volshebnõi Klubok” ("Bолшебный клубок"). Raamatu eest tänud Martabertale :)
Lugu jätkub mõningate (minu jaoks uudsete) detailide näitamisega, mida kudumisel kasutan.

Thursday 5 June 2014

Crazy Patchwork or Something from Nothing. Hull lapitöö ehk Mittemillestki midagi.

This story began nearly a year ago when I went on holiday to Majorca and saw garments sewn in patchwork from sweatshirt fabric on sale. I loved them a lot and took pictures of them to gather ideas. Unfortunately the photos have now gone to the place in the sky when a hard drive crashes irreparably. That did not hold me back and I put the ever-expanding bag of scraps left over from various sewing projects in good use. I did not have a firm plan for how to set the patches and decided not to follow any particular rules and take it easy by just experimenting. I poured pile of rags on the floor and started to pick them one-by-one, sewing them together with overlocker. I tried to use different pattern material as they are sewn together. All scraps were from knitted fabrics, but they differ in thickness and stretch ability.

What I learned was:
- One patchwork shirt takes more time to make than three ordinary shirts.
- Bag of scraps contents hardly reduce.
- Very tiny patches are not a good choice for this technique.
- Four-ways stretch materials are the best, they do not go wavy so easily, as can happen in two ways-stretchable
- Sew several smaller collages at first, connected together later.
- I used three-needle stitch for the patchwork and sew left sides together, so seam is on right side.
- The blouse is stitched together right sides together as usual using four-thread stitch
- I use a very fine crochet hook to feed the thread chain back into the stitching, just need to be careful not to catch sewing. The best result is to feed it back between two layers of the fabric.
- I use a crochet hook instead of tweezers when threading lower looper.
- An iron is your best friend 

See lugu sai algus ligi aasta tagasi, kui Mallorcal puhkamas käisin ja trikotaaźist lapitatud jakke-pluuse müügil nägin. Pildistasin neid üles ideede kogumiseks, kuid fotod on nüüdseks läinud kõige kaduva teed koos kõvakettaga. Ega see mind tagasi ei hoidnud ja aina paisuv õmblusjääkide kott pani tegutsema. Mingit kindlat plaani, kuidas lappe sättida, mul polnud. Otsustasin, et ei jälgi mingeid reegleid. Valasin lapid põrandale hunnikusse ja hakkasin aga pihta, overlokiga lappe kokku vuristama. Püüdsin küll jälgida, et erinevad mustrid satuks kõrvuti. Kasutasin ainult trikotaaźi, kuid need olid erivena paksuse ja venivusega.

Mida ma õppisin selle töö käigus:
  •           Üks kokkulapitatud särk võtab rohkem aega, kui kolm tavalist kokku
  •           Lapikoti sisu eriti ei vähenenud
  •          Väga pisikesi lappe ei tasu kasutada selle tehnika jaoks
  •          Neljapidi venivad materjalid on parimad, ei jää kiskuma, nagu kahtpidi venivaga võib juhtuda
  •          Õmble mitu väiksemat kollaaźi, hiljem ühenda kokku
  •             Lapitöö-osa on overlokitatud kokku paremalt poolt kolmeniidilise õmblusega. Kui juhtud vea  tegema ja mõni õmblus satub sissepoole, pole ka hullu midagi.
  •              Pluus on kokku õmmeldud pahemalt poolt nagu tavaliselt, neljaniidiline õmblus
  •             Niidiotsad said enamasti kõik järgmise õmbluse poolt maha lõigatud, eks näis, kuidas pesus vastu  peab
  •             Mõned niidiotsad tuli ka sisse ajada. Selleks on mõnus kasutada peenikest heegelnõela, mis on      muuseas suureks abiks ka overloki niidistamisel. Tuleb olla ettevaatlik, et konks õmblusse kinni    ei jääks. Hea, kui õnnestub niidiotsad kahe kangakihi vahele tõmmata. 
  •       Triikraud on hea abimees 
Lisan veel ühe märkuse, mille esialgu unustasin.Lappe ma parajaks ei lõiganud. Vajadusel lõikas overlok jupi maha.

Tuesday 3 June 2014

The Dream.

We make our own pathways,
they disappear into serenity and sunlight.
For beneath this world lies another
filled with dreams and scattered memories,
the footsteps of our fathers.
What does a miner think and dream about as he descends to the mine 2343 feet underground? What are the dreams of a little girl when her eyes are closed?

When, after 85 years after providing work for thousands and producing millions of tons of coal Sutton Manor Colliery closed, many people felt it had lost its heart.
The closure drove some of the miners to write poetry and others to dream of a statue to represent the past.

Amazingly the first concept of the chosen artist, JaumePlensa, was rejected by the ex-miners on the basis that it was too representational of mining and the past.
Jaume then shared with them his original thoughts for the site which he had held back fearing it to be too controversial. 

From the former colliery a recreational area is created with walks and resting places and in the middle is ‘The Dream’, a 20 metre high, white dolomite, girls head with her eyes closed seemingly in a dream-like state. 

Here is our wisdom, etched in the Earth.
We remember and we come to glean
from metal shapes and rusted dreams,
from the scrap-heap of identity,
something new and strong and clean.

The statue is resting on a circular plinth bearing the inscription ‘Dream Sutton Manor’ which is inspired by the small circular tallies each miner carried as a means of identification.
The notion for this is very simple but profound and in the words of the artist ‘in our dreams, anything is possible’.

The outcome of this is a forward looking, beautiful, inspiring and contemplative space for generations to come.

Within the park my attention was drawn to a number of stone flames on which were inscribed citations and poetry referring to the mining history of the area.

Memories by Brian Salkeld (former miner)
Silent I stand and look around, the gentle slopes are green.
Deep within my mind I see where the coal mine once had been.
The years roll back I hear the sound of winding engine’s steam.
I see the pulleys turning on the headgear in my dream.

Flat cap men, oil lamps in hand, ride crouched in every cage.
From fourteen years to sixty-five, men of every age.
There are sons and fathers, granddads too, like sheep within a fold.
They spend their lives in darkness to dig for coal; black gold.

The pit means more to these brave men than just a place of strife.
This is their very being and mining is their life.
As if they are God’s chosen ones destined to bick and toil.
To turn the wheel of industry, from deep within the soil.

The times were hard but happy, the character shone through.
The mine is one big family, with disagreements few.
Accidents were commonplace, whenever a miner died,
The sorrow spread throughout the town and everybody cried.

Those days are gone and men forget the sacrifices made.
The debt we owe to each of them, as some their lives they laid.
Broken bones, shattered limbs, lungs solid with the dust.
As if the earth took its revenge for digging up its crust.

But as I sit hear some may say “thank God those days are gone”.
I say God bless the miners. I’m proud that I was one.
Let’s not forget them on these fields where children play and laugh.

Erect a monument to them. Enscribe an epitaph.
Beneath this ground toiled human worms, gave all they had to give.
                               To help to make this country great and improve the way we live. 

Older voices echo deep
in this world-within-a-world,
and in stone dust and darkness
we trace and retrace
the footsteps of our fathers.

Beneath us there's a labyrinth,
a tangle of forgotten pathways.
We walk alone in dreams
among the twisted, rusted shape,
that litter memory's lanes.

Millest mõtleb  ja unistab kivisöekaevur, kui ta laskub 700 meetri sügavusele maa-alusesse kaevandusse? Millest unistab väikene tüdruk, kui ta silmad suleb?

Kui 85 aastat miljoneid tonne kivisütt tootnud ja tuhandetele tööd andnud kaevandus suleti, tundsid paljud, et Sutton Manor on kaotanud oma südame. See pani mõned kaevurid luuletama, mõned unistama mälestusmärgist olnule. Huvitav fakt on, et kaevurid lükkasid tagasi Hispaania kunstniku Jaume Plensa esialgse kavandi, mis liiga otseselt viitas kaevandusele ja minevikule. Plensa pakkus välja uue variandi, mida ta esialgu oli liiga julgeks pidanud, nii sündis The Dream.  

Endisest kaevandusalast on saanud puhkeala, mille keskmes kõrgub  20 meetri kõrgune tüdruku pea, tema silmad on suletud, viibides näiliselt unenäomaal. Kuju toetub soklile, mis kannab märget "Dream Sutton Manor" inspireeritud väikest ümmargusest märgist, mida iga kaevandaja kandis isiku tuvastamiseks.  
Tulemus on kaunis, mõtisklev ja tulevikku-vaatav, inspireeriv ka tulevastele põlvedele.

Tähelepanu köitsid ka siin-seal maapinnast tõusvad”leegikesed”, kandmas endal tsitaate.

Ja eestlasena muidugi kandusid mõtted Eestimaa suletud kaevandustele.

Huvitaval kombel sattus meie külastus täpselt kuju avamise viiendale aastapäevale.

Sunday 1 June 2014

Top Madness 3. Särgihullustus 3.

The third pattern is number. 12, Tennessee, from the same magazine  Ottobre Design 2/2014. I used the upper part of the dress to make a top, but extending it a bit. The top is interesting because it is cut from the fabric crosswise, as pattern was printed onto fabric this way. The material I used was four way stretch knit fabric and I have another four way stretch dress fabric currently on hold, which also need to be cut across. This is a good trial on the first top to see how stretch material behaves when cut crossways.
Sewing is fun, because the clothes are completed much faster than knitting. I will continue on my sewing streak.

Kolmanda topi lõige on nr. 12, Tennessee, samast ajakirjast Ottobre Design 2/2014. Kasutasin kleidi ülemise osa lõiget, pikendades seda veidi. Topi teeb huvitavaks asjaolu, et see on lõigatud ristipidi, kuna mustrikupong oli niipidi. Tavaliselt ju lõigatakse piki kangast. Materjaliks trikotaaź, mis venib igatpidi, neljapidi veniv. Mul on üks neljapidi veniv kleidiriie ootel, mida vaja ka ristipidi lõigata. Seega ongi hea esialgu topiga katsetada, kuidas materjal käitub.
Õmblemine on tore, sest ese valmib märksa kiiremini, kui kududes. Jätkan õmbluslainel J